One of the facts is that Xaviera Putri was pursuing a scholarship because she didn't want to bother her parents

  11 Juli 2024 18:45 - The name Xaviera Putri is currently a hot topic of public discussion on various social media. The reason is, this girl appeared as an additional participant in the second episode of Clash of Champions, an educational game show held by the teacher's room. Participants in this activity were outstanding students from various universities in Indonesia and abroad.

Many admired Xaviera's appearance in this activity. With the intelligence he has, question after question can be answered easily. Even before he had finished reading the questions, Xaviera found it difficult to immediately press the bell.

This is Xaviera's figure in COC  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@xavieraaputri

Because of her intelligence, many people are curious about who Xaviera Putri really is. Want to know more? Read this article until the end. The following is Xaviera's figure compiled by from various sources on Thursday (11/7).

1. 23 years old

The woman who performed amazingly at the COC event has the full name Xaviera Putri Ardianingsih Listy. He was born in Jakarta on August 26 2001. He is currently 23 years old.

2. Xaviera Education

Currently, Xaviera is studying at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). He is pursuing a double major in Computer Science and Business Technology Management. It is known that he studied through a scholarship from the South Korean government.

Xaviera has migrated to Ginseng Country apparently 8 years ago. At the age of 15, this woman chose to study high school at the Korea Science Academy of KAIST.

This is Xaviera's figure in COC  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@xavieraaputri

3. Active as a content creator

Before becoming famous for his stunning actions at COC, Xaviera was also known to be active as a content creator. He often shares his life as a student in South Korea.

4. Younger sister of Belva Devara, founder of Ruang Guru

Getting to know Xaviera further, it turns out that she is the youngest of three siblings. Who would have thought, she is the younger sister of Sabrina Anggraini who is the wife of Belva Devara, founder of Ruang Guru.

5. A series of Xaviera's achievements

Before joining COC, Xaviera was known as an accomplished figure. Since childhood, he admitted that he was fond of mathematics. Not even domestically, he also often takes part in competitions at international level.

It is known that Xaviera is the first winner in the DCAMP Global Startup Match in 2022. DCAMP itself is the largest startup incubator in South Korea. Apart from that, he also won the competition at the 2022 SAP University Alliance Challenge.

This is Xaviera's figure in COC  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@xavieraaputri

Of course not only that, Xaviera also won the International Debate: PIONEERS 2071 which was organized by KAIST. Because of these achievements, it is natural that from high school to college he received a scholarship. Moreover, when he graduated from high school, Xaviera received Academic Honors which is only given to the best graduates.

6. Book writer

This 23 year old woman also has many followers on her social media. Xaviera has also published a book entitled "Kimchi Confessions". The contents of the book are about his experiences as a high school student in South Korea.

7. Pursue a scholarship because you don't want to bother your parents

Xaviera admitted that she got her current intelligence because of her family's hard work. Both parents were willing to work day and night just to pay for the education of him and his two older siblings. Until in the end, Xaviera found a way to find success without making it difficult for her parents through scholarships.

"My parents are totally upside down for us, they can work morning and night, and the money is always used for their children," said Xaviera in a podcast with Denny Sumargo.
