Okie admitted that he was annoyed because Gunawan took his son's car without permission and spent the child's income on dates with other women

  14 Juni 2024 23:29

Brilio.net - Okie Agustina shocked the public again by sending a summons to her ex-husband, Gunawan Dwi Cahyo . The summons sent by Okie Agustina was related to her son's car which was taken by Gunawan Dwi Cahyo without permission.

It was revealed by his attorney, Ardian Dharma, that Gunawan Dwi Cahyo took the sedan belonging to his son, Miro, in the middle of the night when Okie was not at home. Furthermore, Okie Agustina's party also reprimanded her ex-husband for taking their child's car without permission. However, when he was reprimanded by the former Indonesian national team player, he became inflamed.

Okie Agustina sends a summons to Gunawan Dwi Cahyo  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@okieagustina_

"The process of taking it at night without permission, because legally it belongs to Miro. Suddenly it was taken. He was asked to return it many times in good manner but he always ignored the request," said Ardian Dharma, reported by YouTube Starpro Indonesia.

Not only was it taken without permission, apparently Gunawan Dwi Cahyo also pawned the car without Okie Agustina's knowledge. One thing that surprised Okie was that the finance team was able to disburse the money without the consent of him, whose name was on the car ownership certificate.

"We also asked the finance team, how come these kinds of assets can be disbursed," said Okie Agustina.

Until finally, Okie sent a summons to her ex-husband. As a warning, Okie gave Gunawan a three-day deadline to return the car.

"We gave Gunawan Dwi Cahyo a time limit of 3 days, starting today. We gave him a time limit of 3 x 24 hours. We urge him to immediately return the Swift car to Mrs. Okie," he explained.

If Gunawan still heeds the subpoena, the mother of four will take legal action. Bearing in mind, the car is part of joint property or gono-gini based on the court decision.

Okie Agustina sends a summons to Gunawan Dwi Cahyo  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@okieagustina_

"We have planned legal action, both criminally with a police report and civil action. But we hope and urge Gunawan to be returned immediately so that we don't need legal action," added Ardian.

Previously, Okie Agustina had satirized the former national team footballer via Instagram Stories. Okie admitted that he was annoyed because Gunawan took his son's car without permission and spent the child's income on dates with other women.

"The car was taken. I don't want to fulfill my monthly obligations but I can go out with the girl," wrote Okie Agustina.
