
For parents who see their child experiencing symptoms of hepatitis, they need to immediately take them to the doctor.

  4 Juli 2024 08:00 - Hepatitis is a disease that can attack anyone, both adults and children. Adapting from the Bhayangkara Hospital Surabaya page, hepatitis is a condition that can cause inflammation in a person's liver caused by a virus.

However, it does not rule out the possibility that someone will be exposed to hepatitis due to the use of certain drugs or immune problems. When children are exposed to this virus, they usually show symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite, feeling tired, stomach ache, vomiting, urine the color of tea, and skin and eyes looking yellow.

So, parents who see their child experiencing these symptoms need to be taken immediately to the nearest health facility. Apart from that, to be more aware of exposure to the hepatitis virus, parents need to understand what types of hepatitis their children are susceptible to. Adapted by from various sources on Thursday (4/7), here is the complete review.

Types of hepatitis that children are susceptible to

Types of hepatitis that children are susceptible to  2024


Adapting from the World Health Organization (WHO) page, there are five types of hepatitis that can attack humans, namely hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. These types of hepatitis have differences and levels of severity. Hepatitis A is generally experienced by everyone and only for a short period of time.

Meanwhile, hepatitis B, C and D become chronic hepatitis if not treated immediately. Meanwhile, hepatitis E is quite a dangerous disease, especially for pregnant women. Of the five types of hepatitis, the hepatitis that children are susceptible to is A, B and C. The following is a complete explanation of these types of hepatitis.

1. Hepatitis A.

Hepatitis A disease is generally caused by the hepatitis A virus. Adapting from Kids Health, this virus can spread through feces that have been exposed to the virus. Apart from that, it can also be through food, drinks, or objects that have been exposed to someone touching or consuming them.

Generally, the cause of the hepatitis A virus is poor sanitation systems or even people who have the habit of defecating in rivers. Well, children without parental supervision often play in dirty places. Apart from that, share food and drink with peers who may have been exposed to this virus.

It is not surprising that children aged 6 years and over are often infected with hepatitis A. If a child is infected with hepatitis A, they usually do not show any particular symptoms. However, some children can experience yellow skin. Therefore, parents need to supervise their children when playing around the house. Free your children to explore anything, but they need strict supervision so they don't easily catch diseases.

2. Hepatitis B

Apart from hepatitis A, children are also susceptible to hepatitis B infection. According to the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, hepatitis B can be transmitted through semen, vaginal fluids, or even a person's saliva. Apart from that, children can also be infected with this disease through mothers who are infected during childbirth, or through contact with blood or body fluids infected with the hepatitis B virus.

Symptoms of hepatitis B in children can include:

- Fatigue

- Nauseous

- Vomit

- Yellow skin and eyes

- Dark colored urine

- And pale stools

If a child is infected with hepatitis B, it is likely to continue into adulthood and even become more chronic, which can cause liver damage.

3. Hepatitis C.

Lastly, the type of hepatitis that children are susceptible to is hepatitis C. Like other hepatitis diseases, hepatitis C is also caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). According to the American Liver Foundation, this virus spreads through direct contact with the blood of sufferers or people infected with hepatitis C.

It is possible that children can become infected with this disease due to unsafe blood transfusions. Or even through a mother who is infected during childbirth. Unfortunately, the symptoms of children who are infected with this virus are difficult to recognize and can even progress to chronic liver disease.

Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to always have an examination with an obstetrician and consult about the birth. If the mother is infected with the hepatitis C virus, delivery is usually via caesarean section to reduce the risk of transmission to the baby.

How to prevent hepatitis in children

Types of hepatitis that children are susceptible to  2024


To prevent hepatitis in children, it is usually adjusted to the conditions and risks that occur. The explanation is below!

Prevention of hepatitis A: Generally, preventive measures through vaccination are recommended by health workers during the immunization process. Apart from that, it is necessary to maintain children's hygiene, such as washing their hands before eating, drinking, or even after touching foreign objects from outside. The most important thing is to ensure that children do not often snack carelessly to minimize infection with the virus.

Prevention of hepatitis B: Maintain cleanliness, vaccination, do not be contaminated with infected people, do not share needles or other medical equipment with children. No less important, a thorough screening is needed before deciding to give a blood transfusion to a blood donor recipient.

Prevention of hepatitis C: Try not to be exposed to blood from people infected with the hepatitis C virus. When there is medical practice for children, make sure to use safe and sterile equipment. Mothers need to take care of themselves to avoid the possibility of people being exposed to the hepatitis C virus. This is because this virus does not yet have an antiviral, so the healing process takes quite a long time.
