
Geostorm is not only an interesting science fiction film, but also teaches about the importance of maintaining and monitoring advanced technology.

  27 September 2024 09:05 - In an era of ever-evolving technology, we often see how technological advances can be a source of strength and weakness. The film Geostorm (2017) is an interesting example, depicting how a sophisticated satellite system designed to control global weather actually becomes a threat to human survival.

Synopsis of the film Geostorm

Starring Gerard Butler, Jim Sturgess, and Alexandra Maria Lara, Geostorm is set in 2019, where Earth has experienced a series of extreme natural disasters. In an attempt to prevent a greater disaster, world leaders create a sophisticated satellite system called Dutch Boy. However, the system malfunctions and causes a series of catastrophic natural disasters around the world.

With a plot full of suspense and conspiracy, Geostorm follows Jacob Lawson (Gerard Butler) and his brother Max Lawson (Jim Sturgess) on their journey to find out who is behind the sabotage of the Dutch Boy system. They must race against time to stop a global catastrophe before it is too late, facing various obstacles and complex political conspiracies.

Geostorm is not only an interesting science fiction film , but also teaches about the importance of maintaining and monitoring advanced technology to avoid failures that could endanger human life. With its release on Netflix, the film is now available to audiences around the world, providing an opportunity to better understand the potential and risks of modern technology.

Reasons why this film is interesting to watch

Geostorm film review  2024

Geostorm movie review

1. Advanced Technology

The Geostorm film features highly advanced weather-controlling technology, allowing viewers to see how humans try to control nature. The Dutch Boy system designed to control the weather becomes a symbol of the power of modern technology.

2. Natural Disasters

The film depicts natural disasters that have occurred around the world, such as the typhoon in Shanghai, the earthquake in Mumbai, and the tsunami in Dubai. This makes the audience feel connected to real emergencies.

3. Political conspiracy

The political conspiracy involved in the film adds an element of thriller and mystery. The audience has to guess who is really behind the chaos and how they will be stopped.

4. Action and adventure

With intense action and diverse adventures, the Geostorm movie offers a thrilling experience for the audience. From the evacuation of the space station to physical combat, every moment in this movie is full of surprises.

5. Moral message

Although the film focuses on technology and disasters, there is also a moral message that can be taken. The film shows the importance of international cooperation and caution in developing technology that can affect human life.
