Delta started running an online shop business when he met Tom Liwafa in 2010.

  12 April 2024 06:29 - Tom Liwafa is one of the country's successful entrepreneurs. His name became famous through his actions of distributing basic necessities on the streets. His content when distributing basic necessities and basic necessities with his friends was popular during the 2021 pandemic.

Tom Liwafa is an entrepreneur who built his wealth from various business sectors, such as the clothing, cosmetics, interior design and culinary industries. It's not surprising that in society he gets the nickname crazy rich Surabaya.

Behind his current success, there is a woman who faithfully accompanies his struggle. She is Delta Hesti, the beautiful woman he has been married to since 2015.

Having the wife of a successful businessman, the owner of the full name Delta Hesti Candra Pratiwi apparently admitted that she had lived through difficulties since childhood. Delta doesn't hesitate to share photos of difficult times on its social media accounts.

How was Delta Hesti's style different then compared to now? Here, has collected the portrait from the Instagram account @deltahesti, Friday (12/4).

1. Delta Hesti was born into a very poor family, even homeless.

formerly now Delta Hesti, Tom Liwafa's wife  Instagram

2. In the past, his father was a drunkard and gambler. Meanwhile, his mother was a household member and a scavenger .

formerly now Delta Hesti, Tom Liwafa's wife  Instagram

3. Due to difficult financial conditions, this 33 year old woman only received education until she graduated from elementary school (SD).

formerly now Delta Hesti, Tom Liwafa's wife  Instagram

4. Since he was 12 years old, he has done various jobs ranging from being a street singer to cleaning service.

formerly now Delta Hesti, Tom Liwafa's wife  Instagram

5. This woman, born in 1991, admitted that her parents had hundreds of millions of rupiah in debt, and her condition did not allow her to work for someone else's company.

formerly now Delta Hesti, Tom Liwafa's wife  Instagram

6. After meeting Tom Liwafa in 2010, Delta started running an online shop business.

formerly now Delta Hesti, Tom Liwafa's wife  Instagram

7. He is now a successful entrepreneur who collaborates with MSMEs throughout Indonesia, and creates job opportunities for his business in Surabaya.

formerly now Delta Hesti, Tom Liwafa's wife  Instagram

8. In fact, her appearance has become more beautiful and fashionable along with her success.

formerly now Delta Hesti, Tom Liwafa's wife  Instagram

9. How different is Delta's style then and now? Now his boss's aura really radiates.

formerly now Delta Hesti, Tom Liwafa's wife  Instagram

This woman from Surabaya successfully built her business empire in the fashion garment sector until she became a billionaire. Through the handmadeshoesby and delvationstore brands, Delta and her husband Tom Liwafa are able to produce various fashion items such as women's clothing, bags, shoes and others, up to 8,000 pieces per day. He also has more than 1,500 employees in various business fields.

As an entrepreneur, spreading your wings to expand your network is a must. Delta, who met Linda Wan, decided to create a skincare business together.

The Heslin Beauty brand was born in 2020. To date, Heslin Beauty now has almost 150 resellers spread throughout Indonesia.
