Mira Hayati's real face is different compared to herself when she wears thick makeup and looks glamorous

  24 Maret 2024 14:00

Brilio.net - Followers of the TikTok platform are certainly familiar with the figure of Mira Hayati , a skincare entrepreneur from Makassar. Recently, his name has been on the lips of netizens because of his hobby of showing off his gold collection. Starting from bracelet accessories, necklaces, rings to clothes covered in gold.

His luxurious lifestyle makes many people's eyes widen. In fact, he once shocked the world with the gold bag he owned. As is known, the bag cost the same as a house, namely IDR 500 million. Her action went viral, earning her the nickname 'Golden Queen'.

Through uploads on her social media, Mira indeed describes herself as a rich person who is crazy rich. In almost all of her content, Mira appears in glamorous clothes.

Not to mention that the makeup used is quite thick. The heavy make-up made her face look older than her actual age. There are even netizens who think that Mira is 40 years old.

" Oh my gosh, I think I'm 40 or older ," commented a netizen, which was then read by Mira herself.

It's not surprising that many are curious about the real face of this 28 year old woman. What's it like? Come on, take a peek at Mira Hayati's real facial portrait which was summarized by brilio.net from various sources, Sunday (24/3).

1. The owner of the MH Cosmetic skincare business is known for his glamorous lifestyle.

Mira Hayati's real face makes people wonder  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@mh.cosmeticmks

2. In fact, Mira always looks luxurious in gold with necklaces, rings and various other accessories.

Mira Hayati's real face makes people wonder  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@mirahayati91

3. Instead of being amazed by the wealth displayed by Mira, netizens were actually misfocused by her appearance which was considered older than her real age.

Mira Hayati's real face makes people wonder  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@mh.cosmeticmks

4. Once in one of the comments on her post, there were netizens who thought that Mira was 40 years old.

Mira Hayati's real face makes people wonder  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@mirahayati91

5. Mira herself doesn't care about people's negative comments about her appearance.

Mira Hayati's real face makes people wonder  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@mirahayati91

6. He didn't even hesitate to show off his face which had experienced a breakout.

Mira Hayati's real face makes people wonder  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@mirahayati91

7. To market her products, apparently Mira often shows off her real face without heavy make-up.

Mira Hayati's real face makes people wonder  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@mh.cosmeticmks

8. As you can see, her face does look glowing and healthy.

Mira Hayati's real face makes people wonder  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@mirahayati91

9. This is Mira Hayati's face when she was caught on a journalist's camera, right?

Mira Hayati's real face makes people wonder  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@brownisttv
