
At the age of four, Yusril's wife looks youthful to the point where people are often mistaken

  13 Mei 2024 09:45 - Yusril Ihza Mahendra's household has recently attracted the attention of netizens. Who would have thought, quite a few people were curious about the woman Yusril married in 2006. Netizens' curiosity was expressed in short questions, which filled the comments column of posts by the former Minister of State Secretary for the 2004-2007 period.

The husband and wife are in the spotlight because of their large age gap. Yusril and his wife are known to have an age difference of around 27 years. Now they have lived together for approximately 18 years.

During those dozen years, Yusril's wife never demanded that her husband hold a government position. In fact, when he married her in 2006, Yusril Ihza Mahendra served as State Secretary during President SBY's administration. Yusril explained that his wife had faithfully accompanied him all this time.

"Since then (serving as state secretary), it's been more than 17 years since I had anything. My wife is still loyal to me. I'm sure she married me because of her conscience and love, not because of my position. Not also because of wealth. Her father's family is in "Japanese are not poor people, and neither is his mother's family in the Philippines," explained Yusril in a reply to a comment, quoted by on Monday (13/5).

What is Yusril Ihza Mahendra's time together like with his wife? Check out the portrait compiled by from Instagram @yusrilihzamhd on Monday (13/5).

1. This is Rika Tolentino Kato, the woman who has accompanied Yusrial Ihza Mahendra from 2006 until now.

yusril ihza mahendra and wife  2024 Instagram

Yusril Ihza Mahendra and wife
2024 Instagram/@yusrilihzamhd

2. Their household has been blessed with two children and looks very harmonious.

yusril ihza mahendra and wife  2024 Instagram

Yusril Ihza Mahendra and wife
2024 Instagram/@yusrilihzamhd

3. Yusril often uploads portraits of his wife together while on holiday or accompanying him on political activities.

yusril ihza mahendra and wife  2024 Instagram

Yusril Ihza Mahendra and wife
2024 Instagram/@yusrilihzamhd

4. It is known that Yusril's wife is a woman of Japanese-Filipino descent who belongs to Spain.

yusril ihza mahendra and wife  2024 Instagram

Yusril Ihza Mahendra and wife
2024 Instagram/@yusrilihzamhd

5. Many people say that his 41 year old wife is very youthful. Until netizens mistook him for his child, you know.

yusril ihza mahendra and wife  2024 Instagram

Yusril Ihza Mahendra and wife
2024 Instagram/@yusrilihzamhd

6. Even though the age difference is 27 years, this does not necessarily make them embarrassed to show their affection.

yusril ihza mahendra and wife  2024 Instagram

Yusril Ihza Mahendra and wife
2024 Instagram/@yusrilihzamhd

7. Yusril and Rika married in 2006 at the Ar Rachman Mosque, at that time the wife was still 23 years old.

yusril ihza mahendra and wife  2024 Instagram

Yusril Ihza Mahendra and wife
2024 Instagram/@yusrilihzamhd

8. Rika decided to convert to Islam to marry Yusril. Two weeks after getting married, he became an Indonesian citizen.

yusril ihza mahendra and wife  2024 Instagram

Yusril Ihza Mahendra and wife
2024 Instagram/@yusrilihzamhd

9. Yusril's love as a husband is also proven to have guided Rika to become a Muslim. This is the moment the two of them went on Umrah together.

yusril ihza mahendra and wife  2024 Instagram

Yusril Ihza Mahendra and wife
2024 Instagram/@yusrilihzamhd
