
This luxurious house was made specifically for his two daughters, Ameena and Azura.

  27 Maret 2024 14:45 - The lives of Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah have never been out of the spotlight. Especially since the two of them decided to start a family and were blessed with two cute children. His posts on social media are always flooded with comments from netizens.

Like recently, via their Instagram account, the couple appeared to be taking photos in front of their new house which had just been completed. Interestingly, this luxury house was made specifically for his two daughters, Ameena and Azura. Even though both of them were just 2 years and 4 months old.

However, it is not surprising, because this couple is known to be successful in the entertainment industry. This luxury residence is equipped with luxurious facilities ranging from an elevator to a bridge inspired by Pondok Indah Mall. So, what is the portrait like? Let's see, summary from YouTube/AH, Wednesday (27/3)

1. This is the house Atta and Aurel built for their two children. From the front, this house looks predominantly black and white.

Aurel and Atta's new home on YouTube

2. This house is equipped with an elevator, like going to the mall.

Aurel and Atta's new home on YouTube

3. Inside, the room has an industrial theme with dominant gray colors.

Aurel and Atta's new home on YouTube

4. This is a playground for Ameena with a coffee shop theme. It's really fun, yeah!

Aurel and Atta's new home on YouTube

5. There is also a large living room for gathering with extended family. It's so wide that it can be used to play table tennis in crowds.

Aurel and Atta's new home on YouTube

6. Atta Halilintar also didn't forget to create a studio for creativity.

Aurel and Atta's new home on YouTube

7. The dining room is decorated with shelves filled with trophies belonging to Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah.

Aurel and Atta's new home on YouTube

8. This is a bridge inspired by Pondok Indah Mall. Wow, really, right?

Aurel and Atta's new home on YouTube

9. Ameena also made a spacious room like in a hotel.

Aurel and Atta's new home on YouTube

10. Likewise with Azura, even though it is not as big as Ameena's room, this room for her sister looks cozy.

Aurel and Atta's new home on YouTube

11. This is a prayer room, the size of which can be used for assembly recitations.

Aurel and Atta's new home on YouTube

Atta and Aurel's new house features a magnificent and stunning exterior design. With elegant and modern architecture, this house immediately steals the attention of everyone who passes by.
