
Natural ways that can be done without having to use whitening cream

  25 Agustus 2024 18:00 - Removing dark spots or black spots on the face is often a challenge for many people. Usually, whitening cream products are the main choice to overcome this problem.

However, did you know that there are natural ways that can be done without having to use whitening cream? One method that can be tried is by consuming drinks from four types of fruit that are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. This step is as shared by Instagram user Rockataliza.

The fruits you can use are watermelon, dragon fruit, lemon, and tomato. Each of these types of fruit has benefits for the skin. One type of fruit such as lemon is known for its high vitamin C content and acid, so it can brighten the skin naturally.

Then the presence of tomatoes containing lycopene can protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays. Tomatoes are also able to repair damaged skin cells and brighten the skin overall.

Meanwhile, watermelon contains vitamin C which can also brighten the skin and reduce hyperpigmentation. The antioxidant properties in watermelon in the form of lycopene can also repair skin from sun damage. Then, the water content of approximately 92 percent can maintain skin moisture and hydrate.

The last type of fruit is dragon fruit which also contains vitamin C and antioxidants. It is believed to be able to repair damaged skin cells. Even the vitamin C content can reduce signs of aging, such as dark spots.

Those are the benefits of several types of fruit used. For how to make it, you can follow the steps shared by Instagram user @Rockataliza, as summarized by , Sunday (8/25).


remove dark spots from various sources

photo: Instagram/@Rockataliza

1. Prepare 1/4 of a watermelon
2.1/2 dragon fruit
3. 1 tomato
4. 1/2 lemon
5. 2 pieces of ginger.

How to make:

1. Put all the ingredients in a blender or juicer
2. Strain and put into a glass
3. The drink is ready for you to consume
4. Consume this juice regularly to get healthy skin and get rid of dark spots.
