foto: TikTok/@allaboutnatural

Always clean your makeup tools regularly so that they don't become a nest for bacteria.

  1 Agustus 2024 14:10 - An eyelash curler, or often called an eyelash curler, is a makeup tool that functions to curve the eyelashes and create a curlier appearance. Although often thought of as a simple cosmetic tool, using an eyelash curler can make a big difference in the final result of your eye makeup.

This tool is usually made of metal with two handles connected by a clamping mechanism, and equipped with rubber pads on the inside of the clamp. Using an eyelash curler before mascara application can enhance the final result, making lashes appear longer and thicker.

Even so, quite a few people curl their eyelashes repeatedly, even after applying mascara. As a result, the eyelash curler becomes dirty, which can make its use less effective. Not infrequently, lumps of mascara residue stuck to the tweezers will also dirty your eye makeup.

To overcome this, you need to clean your eyelash curler in various ways. Some use makeup remover, even washing it using soap. In fact, there is a way that is no less effective for cleaning eyelash curlers without washing them with soap, you know.

Well, you can see this method from the upload of the owner of the TikTok account @allaboutnatural, who actually uses 1 type of oil to clean the eyelash curler . The oil in question is eucalyptus oil.

How to clean an eyelash curler using only 1 type of TikTok oil

photo: TikTok/@allaboutnatural

"Tips for cleaning your dirty lash curler combo," wrote the account owner in the uploaded video, which quoted from the TikTok account @allaboutnatural, Thursday (1/8).

The method is quite easy, you only need to prepare eucalyptus oil (free brand) and tissue or cotton. After that, pour enough eucalyptus oil on tissue or cotton. Rub a tissue or cotton ball on the dirty part of the eyelash curler. Do this until the eyelash curler is completely clean.

How to clean an eyelash curler using only 1 type of TikTok oil

photo: TikTok/@allaboutnatural

The benefits of eucalyptus oil for cleaning dirty eyelash curlers.

Eucalyptus oil is effective in cleaning dirty eyelash curlers due to its antiseptic and solvent properties. This oil contains compounds such as eucalyptol and alpha-terpineol which have the ability to dissolve and remove remaining dirt, oil and makeup residue that sticks to the eyelash curler.

In addition, the antiseptic properties of eucalyptus oil can kill bacteria and germs that may develop on the surface of the tool, maintain cleanliness and prevent eye irritation when using tweezers.
