
Frequent exposure to sunlight is a common cause of striped hand skin

  22 Maret 2024 21:25 - Spotted hands are a skin condition that shows differences in color or white spots on the surface of the skin. For some people, hands that look striped reduce their self-confidence. Not only that, striped hands can also be a sign related to a person's health condition. Therefore, before knowing how to deal with striped hands, you need to know the cause.

The most common cause of striped hands is intense sun exposure. Excessive exposure to sunlight can cause the skin to become mottled. This happens because exposure to UV rays stimulates the production of melanin, which can cause discoloration of the skin.

Apart from being caused by sun exposure, striped hands can occur due to keratinization or excessive production of dead skin cells. When dead skin cells accumulate on the surface of the skin, this condition can cause uneven discoloration.

Another cause could be pityriasis versicolor or known as tinea versicolor. This condition is caused by a fungal infection of the skin. Well, this fungus causes discoloration of the skin which makes it appear mottled.

Providing an appearance that is less attractive to look at, it is not surprising that many people are looking for ways to deal with striped hands. One way to overcome striped hands is to use natural ingredients. There are various kinds of materials that can be used to treat spotty hands. Usually many people rely on lemons , because they contain vitamin C which has whitening properties.

The exfoliating ability of lemons can reduce discoloration of the skin. However, this lemon mixture cannot be used continuously. The reason is, the citric acid content in lemons can cause irritation.

Beauty vlogger @routinegossips has another tip, namely using coffee grounds and aloe vera. The benefits of coffee grounds and aloe vera are no less effective than lemons. Coffee grounds have a coarse texture, so they can be used as a natural scrub to remove dead skin cells and make skin smoother. Massage with a coffee scrub can stimulate blood circulation, which can help improve skin texture and give it a brighter appearance.

Meanwhile, aloe vera contains active compounds, such as aloin and aloesin, which are known to have natural whitening properties. These compounds can help reduce skin discoloration and provide a more even appearance. Aloe vera also has anti-inflammatory properties and helps the skin recover from damage caused by sun exposure.

To create and use it, you can follow the trick shared by YouTube user @routinegossips, Friday (22/3).


How to treat spotty hands using coffee from various sources

photo: YouTube/@routinegossips

- 1 tablespoon coffee powder
- 1 spoon of aloe vera gel.

How to make:

How to treat spotty hands using coffee from various sources

photo: YouTube/@routinegossips

1. Prepare a clean container
2. Pour the coffee grounds into the container
3. Add aloe vera gel
4. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
5. The scrub is ready for you to use.

How to use:

How to treat spotty hands using coffee from various sources

photo: YouTube/@routinegossips

1. Make sure the skin on your hands is clean
2. Apply the scrub evenly to the surface of your hands
3. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes
4. Rub the scrub slowly
5. Clean the scrub using plain water
6. Use a scrub regularly to make your skin look brighter and have an even color.

Can coffee treat dry skin and prevent aging?

This type of drink has a number of benefits for the skin, one of which is treating dry skin. This is because coffee grounds contain antioxidants, such as chlorogenic acid which can help stimulate collagen production. By increasing collagen production, coffee can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while also improving skin elasticity.
