
The combination of these two products is claimed to be effective in making skin glow.

  30 Juli 2024 04:25 - There are now various ways to use skin care products on social media. There are those who mix skin care products with makeup, there are also those who mix other care products. As has recently gone viral on TikTok, many beauty vloggers are mixing body lotion containing alpha arbutin with a dose of body serum (skin brightener). The combination of these two products is claimed to be effective in making skin glow.

Seeing the ability to brighten the skin, maybe it makes you curious about the content of body lotion , namely alpha arbutin? You need to know, alpha arbutin is a compound that works to brighten and even out skin tone.

How alpha arbutin works to brighten skin.

how alpha arbutin works  2024

how alpha arbutin works

You need to know that alpha arbutin works in several ways. The first is a tyrosinase enzyme inhibitor. Alpha arbutin works primarily by inhibiting the activity of the tyrosinase enzyme. This enzyme plays an important role in the process of forming melanin (the pigment that gives color to the skin). Therefore, it can reduce melanin production in melanocyte cells. The impact of this process is that the skin becomes brighter due to reduced pigmentation.

The second method is a gradual release mechanism. Alpha arbutin has an advantage over hydroquinone because of its gradual release. In this method, alpha arbutin releases hydroquinone slowly into the skin. Well, this gradual release helps reduce the risk of irritation to the face.

The third way is as an inhibitor of melanosome transfer. Apart from inhibiting melanin production, alpha arbutin can also affect melanosome transfer. Launching from the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Monday (29/7) the way alpha arbutin works is by inhibiting the transfer of melanosomes from melanocytes to keratinocytes. Then reduces the spread of melanin pigment to surrounding skin cells. After that, alpha arbutin produces a more even brightening effect.

The next way alpha arbutin also has antioxidant properties which contribute to the skin whitening effect. In this stage, alpha arbutin protects the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Then prevents oxidation and helps maintain healthy skin.

Those are some of the ways alpha arbutin works in skin care products. So that alpha arbutin works optimally, you can combine it with vitamin C, which can increase the antioxidant effect. Well, use together with AHA or BHA can increase skin effectiveness.

Quoting from the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, the alpha arbutin content is safer when compared to other whitening ingredients. When compared to hydroquinone, alpha arbutin is safer and has a lower risk of irritation.

Even though it is effective for brightening, you need to understand that the results of bright skin are different for each person. This depends on the skin condition a person has.

Another benefit of alpha arbutin.

how alpha arbutin works  2024

how alpha arbutin works

Not only whitening, alpha arbutin has other benefits for skin health and beauty. The use of alpha arbutin can protect the skin from UV rays. Alpha arbutin helps prevent the formation of dark spots and hyperpigmentation. In addition, alpha arbutin also has the potential to reduce the risk of skin cancer by protecting cell DNA from UV damage.

Meanwhile, alpha arbutin also has antiaging properties. These anti-aging properties help keep skin youthful, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, and maintain skin moisture.

The anti-inflammatory properties in alpha arbutin can soothe irritated skin, such as redness, relieve itching, and is suitable for sensitive skin. Another benefit, alpha arbutin helps control sebum production and prevents pores from clogging.
