foto: TikTok/@Claudia_vaa

There are times when plastic surgery ends in failure.

  3 Juli 2024 18:13 - Beautifying yourself is not enough just to use a series of skincare and skin treatments. For some people, improving the shape of their face and body is an essential thing to do. This is an effort to get the appearance they want. Well, one part of the face that is often corrected is the shape of the nose.

Nasal surgery or implants is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to change the shape and proportions of a person's nose. Although the shape of the nose can change over time, rhinoplasty can pose risks for some people. Rhinoplasty can result in surgical failure .

The story of a girl's failed nose job  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@Claudia_vaa

This failed nose operation was experienced by a woman named Claudia. This girl's story was shared via the TikTok account @Claudia_vaa, some time ago. In the upload, he shared a number of photos of his trip to undergo surgery.

"Failed rhinoplasty experience, this is my face before surgery," explained the video upload quoted by from TikTok @Claudia_vaa, Wednesday (3/7).

The story of a girl's failed nose job  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@Claudia_vaa

In the first slide photo, Claudia appears to have a sharp and small nose . Dissatisfied with her nose, Claudia had a nose implant at a clinic. It looks like H+3 after rhinoplasty, he is still full of bandages and bruises around his nose.

After a few days, the area around the nose, such as the right and left eyes, began to swell. Not only that, Claudia also felt extreme pain.

"It's getting worse , " he said.

The story of a girl's failed nose job  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@Claudia_vaa

When the bandage was removed, he was shocked by the results of his red nose surgery. The discoloration and condition of the swollen nose causes infection.

"After removing the bandage, it turned out that my nose was infected," he wrote.

The swelling didn't go away and became increasingly painful and inflamed, so Claudia finally decided to have her nose checked again. But not at the same clinic, he finally went to a hospital.

"The clinic is getting bigger and bigger, I don't want to take responsibility anymore. I don't understand what it feels like anymore," he said.

The story of a girl's failed nose job  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@Claudia_yaa

During an examination at the hospital, the implant that had been installed had to be removed. This is due to an infected nose. Well, after the implant was removed his nose looked better than before. The nose and eye area are no longer swollen and bruised.

"It's already traumatizing to have another surgery, the clinic doesn't want to take responsibility, it feels like it's ridiculous," he added.

Her story of experiencing failure during rhinoplasty has attracted various comments from netizens. There was even one netizen who suspected that Claudia had used thread treatment on her nose.

" The photo before the op, he's already wearing a nose thread, guys, you understand, " said the account @Dia Putri.

This comment was then replied to by Indri's account, which said, " Yes. If you've already used the thread, after that you want to have surgery, please tell the dr. The risk of infection is high, you have to clean it properly first, as far as I know. "

" It's true, my gt friend also didn't have the infection cleared so my nose is now perforated, " the account @Tak_ada_nama commented.

" Ma'am, you've had thread or filler implanted, usually you have to clean it first because it's prone to failure and infections like that, maybe the doctor doesn't clean it very well, " added @MayOLive.
