foto: TikTok/@fatyabiyaaa

Putty or cakey is a makeup look that looks thick, flaky, and uneven.

  30 Agustus 2024 20:25 - The ideal makeup finish is a smooth, even look that suits the desired style or occasion. Various factors play an important role in achieving a satisfying finish, starting from skin preparation to product selection and application techniques.

But unfortunately, not everyone gets the perfect makeup results, according to their wishes. Not a few actually look putty and easily fade. Putty or cakey is a makeup look that looks thick, scaly, and uneven. Makeup that looks putty can occur due to using too much makeup product or applying makeup products to dry skin.

This condition can certainly reduce self-confidence and make the wearer feel uncomfortable. Many even decide to remove makeup or do touch ups.

Well, if you are one of those people who often experience makeup that is cakey and easy to fade, you can follow the trick shared by a TikTok user with the account name @fatyabiyaaa. Through her upload, she provides 7 makeup tricks so that the results are not cakey and last longer.

7 Makeup tricks to make your results last longer TikTok

7 Makeup tricks to make your results less cakey and last longer

"In L-Men's words... "Trust me, it works," wrote the account owner in the caption of the uploaded video, which quoted on Friday (30/8).

The first trick, skin prep is the key. Because, using skin prep can make makeup easier to stick, easy to blend, and last longer. Well, you can use toner, moisturizer, sunscreen, and primer.

7 Makeup tricks to make your results last longer TikTok

7 Makeup tricks to make your results less cakey and last longer

Second, building is easier than layering. I mean, apply the product little by little, rather than using a lot at once. This will actually make the makeup look less natural or cakey.

"It's better to use a little at a time, then if it's not enough, just add more," said the account owner.

7 Makeup tricks to make your results last longer TikTok

7 Makeup tricks to make your results less cakey and last longer

Next, make sure the concealer absorbs first, then blend it. This trick will make the concealer have a little better coverage than blending it directly after applying. This trick will also make the makeup flawless and not cakey.

The fourth trick, prime your brush. The trick is, you only need to spray primer or setting spray on the makeup brush before using it. This trick will make the application of contour and blush more natural, easy to blend, and not blotchy.

7 Makeup tricks to make your results last longer TikTok

7 Makeup tricks to make your results less cakey and last longer

Furthermore, use a sponge or beauty blender to get natural makeup results, while absorbing excess products. This can also make the application of products such as foundation or concealer less, so the results will not be cakey.

Sixth, tap don't drag. This means, when using a makeup brush to apply loose powder, make sure to tap and don't slide it. This is done so that the powder is better absorbed into the skin, and prevents the complexion from shifting.

7 Makeup tricks to make your results last longer TikTok

7 Makeup tricks to make your results less cakey and last longer

"So tap first, so that the powder is absorbed into the skin, then you can swipe like this," he continued.

The last trick, always end by locking the makeup using a setting spray. Because, setting spray plays a very important role in keeping makeup stay and long lasting.

7 Makeup tricks to make your results last longer TikTok

7 Makeup tricks to make your results less cakey and last longer
