
The causes of thinning hair can vary, from genetic factors, hormonal changes, to nutritional deficiencies.

  4 September 2024 04:45 - Thin hair is often a problem that bothers many people, affecting their appearance and self-confidence. This problem is characterized by a condition where the hair appears finer and less volume than normal hair. Its characteristics include hair that appears sparse, breaks easily, and is difficult to shape.

The causes of thinning hair can vary, from genetic factors, hormonal changes, to nutritional deficiencies. Genetic factors determine hair thickness from birth, while hormonal changes such as those that occur during menopause or thyroid disorders can worsen this condition.

In addition, vitamin and mineral deficiencies such as iron and biotin can also be the cause of thin hair. Well, to overcome this condition, most people will use hair tonic for hair growth . In addition, not a few also use hair masks to grow hair.

As shared by a TikTok user with the account name @happipham who uses a combination of coffee grounds and 1 type of oil to thicken hair. The oil in question is olive oil. Let's see how to make and use it below, as reported by on Tuesday (3/9).


The combination of coffee powder and 1 type of oil can thicken hair. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@happipham

- 2 tablespoons of coffee powder
- Olive oil to taste

How to make and use:

The combination of coffee powder and 1 type of oil can thicken hair. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@happipham

1. Pour the ingredients into the container
2. Stir both until evenly mixed and the texture is like paste.
3. Apply to hair thoroughly (especially the hair roots)
4. Massage gently, then roll and cover with a shower cap.
5. Let stand for 30 minutes
6. Rinse with water and continue with shampoo.
7. Do this regularly 2-3 times a week to get optimal results.

Coffee powder content to thicken thin hair

The combination of coffee powder and 1 type of oil can thicken hair. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@happipham

Coffee grounds are believed to thicken thin hair thanks to the caffeine content in it. The caffeine contained in coffee has stimulant properties that can increase blood circulation to the scalp, thereby improving the supply of nutrients to hair follicles and stimulating new hair growth. In addition, coffee grounds also contain antioxidants that can protect hair from oxidative damage and improve scalp health.

Benefits of olive oil to make hair thick naturally

Olive oil is known as a natural ingredient that can thicken thin hair thanks to its nutritional content and therapeutic properties. This oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, especially oleic acid which helps strengthen the hair structure and provides deep moisture.

This moisture is essential to prevent hair from drying out and damage that can make hair appear thinner and brittle. Additionally, olive oil contains vitamin E, which has powerful antioxidant properties that protect hair from oxidative damage and improve scalp health.
