
This trick can be a light base makeup solution while protecting the skin from UV rays.

  30 Mei 2024 17:10 - In the daily makeup series, the use of BB cream is common. BB cream is an alternative makeup choice for those of you who want light but still smooth makeup. Beauty blemish or blam is a makeup base with SPF content that can be used to protect the skin from sun exposure. This product can also function as skincare which makes the face bright if used regularly.

If you don't have BB cream and want to try it without buying the product first, you can make an alternative product from the skincare or makeup you have. There is a trick to making your own BB cream formula by combining various skincare and makeup functions. With this trick, you can get the texture and benefits of BB cream without having to spend more.

The simple method was shared by the owner of the TikTok account @felita_anthony. " Let's make BB cream, " the caption in the video upload was quoted by , Thursday (30/5).

This trick only requires a moisturizer combined with foundation, serum and sunscreen. If you already have all the beauty products, now is the time for you to make your own BB cream at home as follows:

" The comparison of the number of products used depends on the consistency you want ," wrote Felita.

make BB cream at home from various sources

photo: TikTok/@@felita_anthony

1. Prepare a clean pallet or container
2. Pour enough foundation
3. Add approximately 3 drops of the serum you usually use
4. Pour enough moisturizer
5. Mix just a little sunscreen
6. Stir all the beauty products until evenly mixed
7. Apply to face using a brush.

Even though the results of this BB cream, according to Felita, are not full coverage like products on the market, this formula is effective in making the face still look glowing.

" But it's really good, especially for daily use, let's try it, " he said.

Difference between BB cream and foundation.

BB cream and foundation makeup products are commonly used in makeup series. Both function to cover imperfections in the skin and even out the color. Even though BB cream and foundation have the same function, of course there are differences between the two products.

You need to know, BB cream is a beauty cream that is formulated with moisturizer, sunscreen and primer which can even out skin tone. Apart from that, BB cream is also used to smooth and protect the skin. It can even disguise black and red spots.

Meanwhile, the coverage level of BB cream tends to be medium, so it is suitable for those of you who don't like wearing thick makeup. In terms of texture, BB cream is quite light so it is easy to apply to the face.

Meanwhile, foundation is a foundation that is often used as a foundation before applying makeup. Foundation has a fairly thick and heavy texture. However, foundation can provide a matte finish. In terms of coverage level, the foundation is quite high and effective in covering facial imperfections. Meanwhile, foundation has a concentrated formula that makes the face look perfectly smooth.

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