
It is known that liposuction is performed on the arms.

  29 Juli 2024 12:25 - Currently going viral on social media, a celebrity has died after undergoing beauty treatment, liposuction. The woman, known as Ella Nanda Sari Boru Hasibuan, who comes from Medan underwent liposuction at a beauty clinic in the Depok area.

Quoting from, Monday (29/7) based on the upload of the @temanpolisi account, it was explained that the victim on Monday (22/7) then left Medan for Depok. It is known that liposuction is performed on the arms.

Hearing the news about the failure of this treatment may make some people think again and again. Therefore, you should know in advance what treatment you are having, such as liposuction .

What is liposuction or liposuction?

getting to know liposuction  2024


Liposuction, or in medical terms called liposuction, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to remove unwanted fat deposits from certain areas of the body. Starting from the face, arms, legs and other body parts.

This procedure has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world with more than 250,000 procedures performed annually in the United States alone, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

Types of liposuction.

getting to know liposuction  2024


Well, liposuction doesn't just have one type. But there are several types to suit your needs. There are four types of liposuction that you need to know, as follows:

Tumescent Liposuction.

Tumescent Liposuction is the most commonly used technique. Launching , Monday (29/7) according to the journal "Aesthetic Surgery Journal", this procedure involves the injection of a tumescent solution (a mixture of saline, lidocaine and epinephrine) into the area to be operated on. This solution makes the fat tissue swell and become stiff and makes it easier to remove.

Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL).

Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL) uses ultrasound energy to melt fat before it is sucked out. A study published in "Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery" showed that UAL is effective for more difficult areas such as the back and chest in men.

Laser-Assisted Liposuction.

This technology uses laser energy to melt fat. Research published in "Lasers in Surgery and Medicine" shows that this method can produce better skin tightening than traditional methods.

Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL).

Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL) is a method that uses a vibration device to break down fat. According to "Aesthetic Plastic Surgery", PAL can reduce operator fatigue and increase precision.

The procedure for performing liposuction or liposuction.

This liposuction treatment must go through various procedures so that the treatment runs safely and smoothly. So, here are several liposuction procedures that you can look at, as summarized by from various sources, Monday (29/7).

1. Consultation and Preparation.

The patient will consult with a plastic surgeon to discuss goals, risks, and expectations. Blood tests and general health evaluation are performed to ensure the patient is suitable for the procedure.

2. Anesthesia.

Depending on the size of the area being operated on, liposuction can be performed under local or general anesthesia.

3. Incision and Suction.

The surgeon makes a small incision and inserts a cannula (small tube) to suck out the fat. This process is repeated in several areas if necessary.

4. Closure and Recovery.

The incision is closed and the patient can usually go home the same day. Full recovery usually takes several weeks.

Side effects and risks of liposuction.

getting to know liposuction  2024


Although liposuction is considered safe, it can have some risks for someone who undergoes it. Here are some side effects that you need to know, including:

1. After the procedure, there may be unevenness on the skin surface or differences in shape between the left and right sides of the body. This can occur due to uneven fat removal or different healing responses of the body in different areas.

2. Quoting from the Mayo Clinic, liposuction can cause damage to small nerves under the skin, causing changes in sensation, including temporary or even permanent numbness in the operated area.

3. Liposuction also carries the risk of infection, such as fever, redness and swelling in the operated area. Quoting from the National Health Service (NHS) serious infections may require antibiotic treatment or even additional surgery.

4. Quoting from the American Society of Anesthesiologists, some people may experience negative reactions to anesthesia, ranging from mild nausea to serious complications such as low blood pressure or difficulty breathing.

5. Fluid may collect under the skin after surgery, causing swelling and discomfort, usually relieved by drainage.

6. Quoting from the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, the operated area may experience a change in skin color, either becoming darker or lighter. This is usually temporary but in some cases can last a long time.

7. According to the Annals of Plastic Surgery, in very rare cases, the skin in the operated area may experience tissue death, which requires additional treatment or even reconstructive surgery.
