Whiteheads or milia are a skin problem that many people often experience.

  24 September 2024 16:30 - Whiteheads or milia are a skin problem that many people often experience. Although not dangerous, their presence can interfere with appearance and self-confidence.

These comedones form when pores become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and dirt. Improper cleansing can make these comedones even more stubborn. Therefore, it is important to know the causes and effective ways to deal with these whiteheads.

Whiteheads usually appear on the face, such as around the eyes, cheeks, and forehead. This problem is more common in oily skin and can be triggered by factors such as the use of heavy cosmetic products, poor skin hygiene, and certain skin conditions.

To overcome whiteheads, you can exfoliate regularly, use products containing salicylic acid or retinol, and maintain skin cleanliness. Not only that, you can also use natural ingredients to maximize treatment, to overcome whiteheads on the face.

Petroleum jelly and 1 sweetener can treat whiteheads. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@bunila20

Just like what was shared by a TikTok user with the account name @bunila20. Through her upload, the account owner uses a combination of petroleum jelly and 1 sweetener to overcome stubborn whiteheads. The sweetener in question is granulated sugar.

Come on, check out how to use it below, which launched on Tuesday (24/9).


- 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
- 1/2 tablespoon petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly and 1 sweetener can treat whiteheads. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@bunila20

How to make and use:

1. Pour the ingredients into the container
2. Stir both until evenly mixed.
3. Apply to a thoroughly cleansed face.
4. Rub gently using circular movements (preferably on areas of the face where there are whiteheads)
5. Do this for 2-3 minutes and let it sit for 30 minutes.
6. Rinse with warm water until clean.
7. Continue with the use of moisturizer.
8. Do this regularly 1-2 times a week to get a smooth, blackhead-free face.

Petroleum jelly and 1 sweetener can treat whiteheads. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@bunila20

Sugar content to remove whiteheads on the face.

Granulated sugar can remove whiteheads on the face because it is a natural exfoliator. When used as a scrub, sugar granules are able to remove dead skin cells and dirt that clog pores, thus reducing the possibility of blackheads. However, it is important to use this scrub gently so as not to damage the skin.

Benefits of petroleum jelly for treating stubborn whiteheads.

Petroleum jelly is effective in removing whiteheads on the face because it locks in moisture and prevents water loss from the skin. By creating a protective layer, petroleum jelly helps maintain skin moisture, thus preventing excess oil production that can clog pores.

In addition, petroleum jelly can also facilitate the exfoliation of dead skin cells, making blackheads easier to remove when cleaning the face. However, its use must be careful, especially on oily skin, because it can cause pore blockage if used excessively.
