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3 Mei 2017 15:00

Hundreds Of Students Go Musical To Celebrate National Education Day

It's not a school ceremony unless pianicas are involved. Ahada Ramadhana
Hundreds Of Students Go Musical To Celebrate National Education Day © Shutterstock

Bandung Plaza City Hall on Tuesday morning was crowded by students from dozens of elementary schools in Bandung.

A total of 2,110 students performed "Halo-halo Bandung, "Pergi Belajar", and "Hymne Guru" with piano and keyboard accompaniment. The performance was part of a series of National Education Day (Hardiknas) celebration and was also recorded by Original Records Indonesia (ORI) as a music performance using pianicas and keyboards with the most participants in Indonesia.

Bandung Mayor Ridwan Kamil acted as the inspector of ceremony and delivered a speech on Ki Hajar Dewantara a figure of education, whose birthday is taken as the National Education Day and how his values are still relevant to today's society.

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"Ki Hajar said that education is conductedat school, at home and in the society. So, do not rely only on school's education. That's why an educational program like 'maghrib mengaji' and the others are also part of education in the society," said Ridwan Kamil.

Here are some moments captured during the students' performance in celebrating Hardiknas.

1. "Every place is a school and every person is a teacher," said Ridwan Kamil.

Photo: Facebook/@ridwankamil

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2. Look at this cute orchestra!

Photo: Instagram/@ridwankamil

3. The student playednational songs with their colorful pianicas.

Photo: Twitter/@kimcipedes

4. An ambulance was on standby during the ceremony.

Photo: Twitter/@BES__119

5. So were the health officers.

Photo: Twitter/@BES__119

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