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27 Mei 2016 09:54

Virtual hiring of a hitman, a very lucrative business

“If you want to kill someone, or to beat the shit out of him, we are the right guys. " Celia Tholozan
Virtual hiring of a hitman, a very lucrative business © ampravda.ru

Brilio.net/en - You can officially find everything on the Internet, even a hitman according to the description of this very particular website:

If you want to kill someone, or to beat the shit out of him, we are the right guys. We have professional hitmen available through the entire USA, Canada and Europe and you can hire a contract killer easily. Most of our gang members are drug dealers but they do contracted killing when they are short on cash.

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Supposedly originally from Albania, the members of Besa Mafia, as you can well imagine, are creative con artists who found a very lucrative niche market. The Internet is full of hoaxes but Besa Mafia puts on a real effort to appear as credible as possible in the eyes of its clients. They are even reviews of the performance from previous satisfied customers and clear explanation given to the people surprised that the person they wanted dead is still alive

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According to the instructions available on the website (still online apparently, but not reachable from Indonesia), future customers need to first register as a member, and provide their information possible along with at least one picture of the future victim.

Among the services provided, Besa Mafia offers obviously murder: it will cost you between $5.000 and $200.000 and if you want the murderer to look like an accident, youll have to add an additional $4.000 extra. You can also ask them to burn someones car for the modest sum of $1.000 or just $500 for an old fashioned beating!

According to some researchers, the administrators of the website, whoever they are, make money by collecting the funds of the ripped off clients, but also denouncing them as potential future criminal or at least intention of murder to some special agents of the Government Nothing proven yet, but one thing is sure - business is going well.

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