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30 Maret 2024 13:00

This woman's emotional story was forced to resign a few days before she got her THR, the story behind it makes her sad

Dini had wanted to correct a mistake that honestly wasn't her own doing. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
This woman's emotional story was forced to resign a few days before she got her THR, the story behind it makes her sad foto: TikTok/@hartatahtawanita10

Brilio.net - Some companies usually fire employees if they are indicated to have poor performance. However, there are also those who use sneaky methods, namely by forcing their employees to resign. This will free the company from the obligation to pay severance pay and other rights.

The moment of being forced to resign was felt by one of the women who worked in a retail company . He shared his story via a TikTok post on the account @hartatahta Wanita10. The woman named Dini also talked about the reasons, which of course made her sad.

So, a few days before receiving her THR , this woman was forced to resign by the company. In this retail company, Dini has the position of head of shop. There was one mistake that he and other workers made, so as shop head Dini was asked to take responsibility.

Dini said the mistake was that the last time the SO BIC (Branch Inventory Control) or physical goods stock audit in the shop was checked, it turned out to be over budget. Dini also admitted that she had no idea about this. He and the team working at the shop admitted that they had worked as they should. However, Dini had difficulty refuting the accusation because he did not have any evidence to say why his audit was inappropriate.

photo: TikTok/@hartatahta Wanita10

Even though he was head of the shop for 1 year, Dini admitted that he always did his job well. The audit results always match the budget. However, he did not expect that this time the audit results would be over and that too within three months, not one month.

Dini was certainly confused by this condition, he couldn't possibly scapegoat his subordinates in the shop. Because this is a form of accountability, instead of being fired, Dini was forced to resign. This is certainly a painful treatment for Dini.

"What is clear is that I was told to resign without any will and this was REALLY FORCED TO RESIGN. This plea really hurts to the point that now when I remember how come these evil people exist. I'm not asking for anything, I'm just asking for justice," wrote Dini.

In fact, early on he had already tried to carry out negotiations. He asked for tolerance for his mistakes so he could continue working. Dini also intended to correct mistakes that were honestly not her own doing. Moreover, what was very unfortunate was that Dini was forced to resign a few days before receiving the THR.

photo: TikTok/@hartatahta Wanita10

But it was clear, there was no other choice for Dini. He was forced to accept the consequences. This story also went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Many also sympathized with the disaster that befell Dini.

"A little story. My friend was once like this and was forced to resign and asked to compensate even 10 million. Can you imagine how rich it felt," said the account @kasuyy223

"Sis, we are the same but different stories, I'm an only child, I have to take frequent leave because I look after my widowed mother when she's hospitalized, and I was on SP 1 because of that, and HRD said it's better for you to resign, and you know how sick I am," wrote the account @sukamainbecek

"The former Sibiru retail outlet, sis, is the same. I demolished it every year. If it was going to be Eid, there would definitely be those who were told to force it to be researched with problems that weren't fatal, really fatal. In fact, it could be SP 1 or SP 2," said the account @fahmialzein

"I really understand, sis!! I'm the former blue guy, we're the same, the only difference is that I'm still a cashier but I'm told to be responsible for missing money from the safe and a lot of it," said the account @moci

photo: TikTok/@hartatahta Wanita10

From the time the post was uploaded until this article was written, the @hartatahta Wanita10 account has gathered 1.5 million viewers. Apart from that, there were also 36,700 accounts that gave likes and 2,913 comments.

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