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20 Juni 2024 09:40

This woman confessed that she had been cheated by a widower with 2 children, apparently she was once a child artist opposite Raffi Ahmad

Not only with Raffi Ahmad, this former child artist also competes in acting with Yuni Shara. Khansa Nabilah
foto: TikTok/@caacatasy_

Brilio.net - Currently, TikTok is filled with the "Rate things" trend related to a person's life experiences. Thanks to this trend, netizens are entertained by the stories of TikTok users who reveal their stories. Not a few of their stories are heart-touching, eccentric, and full of plot twists.

The owner of the TikTok account @caacatasy_ is one of them. The TikTok video upload about his story was viewed up to 1.1 million times. Not without reason, apparently the owner of the account was previously a former child artist.

The woman opens the video with an embarrassing childhood story. When he was 8 years old, he wet his bed while reciting poetry for Mother's Day.

photo: TikTok/@caacatasy_

" 4/10. 8 years old reading the poem 'Mother's Day' at the Jakarta Theater Show. Wanting to go up on stage, I couldn't hold in my pee. As a result, I read the poem while wetting the bed. I was embarrassed when I went down and out because it was muddy in the middle of the stage, " wrote @caacatasy_ quoted on Wednesday (19/6).

After that, he tried his luck to become an artist. He participated in a casting for a film. I didn't expect that he was chosen as the main actor and starred alongside Raffi Ahmad and Yuni Shara.

" 10/10. 2010 My mother told me to take part in the casting. Didn't expect to be chosen as the main character. Happy to meet Raffi Ahmad and Aunty Yuni, " he added further.

Not only acting, he is trying out his career as a singer. After further investigation, the woman was Tasya , a member of the Swittins group. The group was previously famous as a children's girl band.

" 8/10. My dream was to be a dangdut singer. In 2012 I got an offer to join a small girl group. I felt happy to be able to become a singer. Fun fact, every time after a gig my head hurts because of the pigtails, " he said.

photo: TikTok/@caacatasy_

However, Tasya did not continue her career as a singer. He decided to continue school, then graduated and worked in the hotel sector. Even though his home and work are far away, he quite enjoys it.

" After graduating from school in 2018, I worked in hotels at PP South Jakarta-Cileungsi. Shifting work only had one day off. But it doesn't matter, I'm happy to see the pay slip at the end of the month. I can support my family, " said Tasya.

Growing up, Tasya had a love affair with a man when she was 19 years old. He refused, ultimately finding out that the man was a widower with two children.

" 5/10. Asked to get married at the age of 19, I refused and ended up being honest about his status. He was actually a widower with 2 children. I didn't understand the concept, " he said.

photo: TikTok/@caacatasy_

After becoming close to a widower, she reconnects with her romance. However, different from the previous one, the man she was dating liked to change cars. Apparently the car was a rental vehicle.

" There's life after being lied to by a widower. I was close to a guy changing cars. When I investigated, it turned out that all the cars were rented. Finally I broke up ," he said.

When Covid-19 hit, he was laid off from the company. He decided to open a food business. Thanks to his hard work, his business ran smoothly.

photo: TikTok/@caacatasy_

" 9/10. Trying new things during Covid 2020. Selling taichan because I was laid off from the company. As a result, it's always busy, thank God there are orders, " he explained.

The process of living close to men breaks my heart. After breaking up with her ex, she decided to wear the hijab. However, unfortunately, his desire did not come from his heart. Finally, she took off her hijab.

" 4/10. Breaking up with your ex and immediately wearing a hijab. Because you felt hurt and felt you had to change. It turned out that after doing it it wasn't from the heart. Forgive me, O Allah, " said Tasya.

Having been lazy about dating, she finally met a serious man. After three months of dating, he immediately got married.

photo: TikTok/@caacatasy_

" 10/10. I'm too lazy to date again because I'm afraid of being bored. In 2023, I'll be dating for 3 months and I'll get married. I'll finally get married ," he concluded.

Netizens who read his long life story were quite surprised by his figure. The reason is, Tasya is a famous former child artist from the girl group Swittins.

" Wow, tasya swittins anjir, later on, ow ow ow, " commented @pinkydollish.

" When I was in middle school, my class was told to watch your film in a house without windows, " said @tijusgulabatu4.

" Ma'am, I always play your song when I come home from elementary school, " said @ziemarquez.

" Oh my gosh, I used to be a big fan of the girl group Swittins, " said @ovtbelle.

" Rating the things I still do until now; listening to Swittins songs at the age of 23 1000/10, " said @sashasdaily.

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