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9 April 2024 22:25

The story of a 29 year old man who lost his hearing when he woke up, the cause was triggered by this bad habit

This bad habit is apparently done by the children of today Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
The story of a 29 year old man who lost his hearing when he woke up, the cause was triggered by this bad habit foto: Facebook/@Sondel Bae

Brilio.net - Hearing is one of the most important senses in human life. Through hearing, humans are able to receive and process various kinds of information coming from the surrounding environment. But what happens if people lose their hearing?

That is what was felt by a man whose story was uploaded to the Facebook account @Sondel Bae. He told how he lost his hearing overnight.

This 29 year old man complained about this hearing. How could it not be, all this time he has lived with his ears in good condition. But a disaster befell him one night. So he lost his hearing.

The man said that the cause of his hearing loss was his headset. Before sleeping, he often listens to music. That night, he decided to turn the music volume up to full. And the bad habit lasted until he fell asleep.

photo: Facebook/@Sondel Bae

When morning arrived, the music was still on. But not with his hearing. The man admitted that his ears could not hear anything. This also made him panic.

The first step to take is of course to go to the doctor for a check-up. However, the doctor said that a nerve had been damaged. So he could no longer hear. Hoping to be able to use tools, but the damage to his nerves is already serious. This tool cannot be used.

In this condition, of course all he can do is surrender and be patient. The man was worried about his future. Whether it's related to love, career, or whatever he will go through in the future.

"Can I complain? When I was 29 years old, I was struck by the disaster of being deaf because of a headset. Whether it's career, love or the future, it feels like it's getting harder to live," he wrote in the post.

Hermina Hospital once published an article entitled "Risk of Hearing Loss due to Frequent Use of Headsets". There, one of the risks of frequently using headsets is premature hearing loss.

photo: Facebook/@Sondel Bae

This risk arises from acoustic injury due to excessive noise passing through telephone lines. Repeated exposure causes damage to the inner ear, which can ultimately lead to hearing loss and other hearing-related health problems. Because of this, it is necessary to control the use of the headset so that it is not too excessive.

The man's story went viral and was reposted by various media. Many netizens commented. Many have used this man's incident as a lesson not to use headsets too often.

" That's the importance of using things as necessary ," said the account @Wisnu Adi

" One way to keep your ears safe when using a headset is better not to use it ," wrote the account @Martynd Kurniawan

" Rill, because of how often you use your headset, sometimes you can feel the bass vibrations even when you don't use it. Sometimes when you talk to them it becomes frequent, huh, what. It becomes a habit even if you don't use a headset ," said the account @AC Putranto

" Wow, what a lesson, I actually use TWS every day ," commented the account @Shinta

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