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2 Oktober 2024 18:15

The phenomenon of task jockeys, the normalization of dishonesty in education?

"But what else can I do? The burden of studying is getting heavier, the temptation is getting stronger," said Budi. Farika Maula

Brilio.net - Like a shadow that creeps between the light of educational hope, the presence of task jockeys seems to shake the values of honesty. Task jockeys are not just an instant solution for students who are pressed for time, but also a symbol of a cultural change that challenges the essence of learning itself. What was once considered an effort to achieve success has now slowly become a norm that raises deep questions about the true meaning of education.

In a society that emphasizes values and achievement, this phenomenon not only reflects individual behavior, but also reveals structural problems in the education system itself. Many people are trapped in the view that academic success is measured by numbers, not by the actual learning process.

Like a student, let's call him Budi who was willing to be interviewed by brilio.net . This Industrial Engineering student at a campus in Jogja told how being a task jockey has become part of his academic routine.

"Initially, it was only once. The assignment to write a paper made it impossible for me to do it myself. I didn't have enough time, because I had to work after college. Not to mention having to look for references, so I contacted a friend who recommended a jockey service," he told brilio.net.

Before trying the service, Budi admitted to being hesitant . Not because of the cost and price considerations, but because he was afraid that this service was similar to a fraudulent mode.

"In the past, when I first heard about task jockeys, I was afraid of being cheated. But what else could I do, my study load was getting heavier, the temptation was getting stronger. The piling up of assignments made me trapped in panic," he told brilio.net.

photo: Brilio.net/Farika Maula

When asked by the brilio.net team about why this choice was tempting. Budi answered casually. He did not want his assignment to get a bad grade just because there was an assignment that was not done.

"On one hand, there is pressure to excel. On the other hand, there is a lack of time and having to work. Yes, this is a kind of shortcut," added Budi.

However, in every decision there are consequences. "But it does feel different. Tasks completed by myself and tasks completed by others will definitely feel different. Like, the grades obtained do not represent the effort. There is no satisfaction when receiving the results. This dishonesty is like eroding self-integrity. But, yes, for my thesis I made my own effort." he said with a melancholic tone to brilio.net.

The phenomenon of task jockeys is not just an individual problem. Task jockeys also create a normalization of dishonesty in education. It can damage the essence of true learning. In the shadow of false achievements, education should be a field for character development, not an arena for lies. When everyone is running towards results, maybe it's time to look back to the real path, which is to focus on the learning process.

In a further interview, Budi explained the dynamics on his campus. "My classmates also started using jockeys. In the canteen, we often talk about this. I actually want to open this business. Because the commission is quite good."

Regarding this phenomenon, a lecturer in the Islamic Guidance and Counseling Department at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Dr. Irsyadunnas, M.Ag gave his opinion.

"Yes, I strongly disagree. Why? When the assignment is given, the lecturer already knows for sure that the student is able to do it. So if there are students who are unable to do the assignment and then they look for someone to do it, maybe it's because they are lazy or busy because there are students who are also working, right?"

Mr. Irsyad also highlighted the role of campuses in this phenomenon. "Actually, if there were campuses like this, they would definitely not be allowed."

The existence of task jockeys also creates a gap. Honest students struggle to study, while others get grades easily.

"Well, lecturers rarely know if their assignments are done by task jockeys. So actually, I'm also being unfair to other students," said Budi.

Then, what is the solution to overcome this problem? Mr. Irsyad believes that educational reform is very necessary. "We will definitely call the students. Those who ask for it and those who work on it, we will call. We will give warnings and advice. In addition, it is important to build a culture of honesty and integrity."

Budi also admitted that awareness of the importance of honesty began to grow. "Now, I prefer to complete tasks with my own efforts, even though the results are not always satisfactory. There is a certain satisfaction when completing something with hard work."

Behind this story, there is a valuable lesson. The phenomenon of task jockeys illustrates a major challenge in education. In a world that increasingly pursues instant results, integrity and honesty should still be upheld. Education is a journey, not just a destination.

Task jockeys may seem like an easy solution, but their long-term impact can damage the foundation of an individual's character and abilities. Let's get back to the true essence of education, where the learning process is valued, and honesty is a key pillar in creating a generation that is not only intelligent, but also has integrity.

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