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20 Agustus 2024 23:25

The meaning of conditional release that Jessica Wongso received, complete with the procedures for granting it

Jessica still has to report to the Class I Correctional Center of East-North Jakarta and will undergo guidance until 2032. Khansa Nabilah
foto: Instagram/@yakuphasibuan; Liputan6.com

Brilio.net - Jessica Kumala Wongso , convict in the murder case of Wayan Mirna Salihin, finally breathed free air on Sunday (18/8). After serving a sentence of approximately 8 years of a 20-year sentence, Jessica was released on parole. This release certainly became the public spotlight, considering the murder case by mixing cyanide into Vietnamese iced coffee that caused a stir a few years ago.

Jessica's conditional release was confirmed by her lawyer, Otto Hasibuan, and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. This decision was based on the Letter of the Indonesian Minister of Law and Human Rights and the related Ministerial Regulation. Although she is free, Jessica still has to report to the Class I Correctional Center in East-North Jakarta and will undergo guidance until 2032.

Jessica was seen leaving the Class IIA Pondok Bambu Women's Penitentiary, East Jakarta this morning. This conditional release certainly brings a breath of fresh air for Jessica after years of languishing behind bars. However, this conditional release status still leaves obligations that Jessica must comply with for the next few years.

Jessica must continue to comply with the rules set by the authorities. One of them is the obligation to report regularly and undergo guidance. This aims to ensure that Jessica can reintegrate into society well without repeating past mistakes.

Jessica's case reminds us again of the importance of a correctional system that not only punishes but also educates. Parole is one way to give prisoners a second chance, while still paying attention to the security and order aspects of society.

So what is parole? Here is a complete review, as reported by brilio.net from various sources, on Tuesday (20/8).

Definition of conditional freedom.

Jessica Wongso's parole

Conditional release does not mean that a prisoner is immediately released without conditions. It is a rehabilitative program that aims to reintegrate prisoners into society. Certain conditions must be met before a prisoner can receive this status.

This program is one of the rights that prisoners can receive after meeting certain criteria. The goal is not only for the benefit of prisoners, but also to consider their families and society in general.

The granting of parole must take into account various aspects, including security and public order. The sense of public justice is also an important consideration in granting this status.

More than just 'getting out of jail', parole aims to provide motivation and opportunities for prisoners. The hope is that they can get the social welfare, education and skills needed when they return to society.

Conditions of parole

Jessica Wongso's parole

The following are the conditions that prisoners must fulfill to obtain parole:

1. Has served at least 2/3 (two thirds) of the criminal term, with the provision that 2/3 (two thirds) of the criminal term is not less than 9 (nine) months;

2. Behave well during the period of serving a prison term of at least 9 (nine) months calculated before the 2/3 (two thirds) date of the prison term;

3. Have participated in the coaching program well, diligently and enthusiastically and;

4. The community can receive prisoner development activity programs

5. For state children: conditional release may be granted after undergoing at least 1 (one) year of counseling;

In addition, prisoners must also attach the following documents:

1. Photocopy of the judge's decision quote and minutes of the implementation of the court decision;

2. Reports on the development of guidance made by the correctional guardian or the results of risk assessments and needs assessments carried out by assessors.

3. Community research report prepared by the community supervisor which is known by the head of Bapas;

4. Notification letter to the district attorney regarding plans to grant conditional release to the prisoners and juvenile offenders concerned;

5. Copy (List Letter F) from the Head of the Correctional Institution (Head of LAPAS);

6. Copy of the list of changes from the Head of LAPAS;

7. A statement from prisoners and juvenile detainees stating that they will not commit any unlawful acts.

8. A letter of guarantee of commitment from the family, acknowledged by the village head or other name, stating:

- Prisoners and juvenile detainees will not escape and/or commit unlawful acts; and

- Assist in guiding and supervising prisoners and juvenile offenders during the parole program.

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