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30 Oktober 2015 16:00

The island swap that changed the fate of a nation

Run Island was the primary island that produced nutmegs, the most expensive trade commodity in the world at that time.
Run Island. ©seatrekbali.com

Brilio.net/en - Did you know that during colonial times, there was an island in the eastern part of Indonesia that was swapped for Manhattan Island in New York City? The island in question is named Run Island.

Run Island is a small island located in the Banda Sea. In the early days of colonization, exactly in the 17th century, this island was considered one the most valuable islands in all of Indonesia. Run Island was the primary island that produced nutmegs, the most expensive trade commodity in the world at that time.

In the 16th century, People in London believed that nutmegs were useful as the cure for all diseases. At that time, the price of nutmegs were more expensive and considered to be more precious than gold. Because of the islands abundance in these sought after commodity, Run Island was completely monopolized by the British through their East India Company or abbreviated as EIC.

For the sake of obtaining valuable commodity in the form of nutmegs, there were numerous conflicts and battles between the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company or abbreviated as VOC. To end the conflict, the Breda Agreement was signed into effect in 1667. The Dutch and the British arranged a swap of colonial territories. The IEC agreed to exchange Run Island for Manhattan Island which was claimed to be Dutch territory.

Nowadays, after several centuries had passed, this isolated Run Island seems to have been forgotten and is now a poor and underdeveloped area. In contrast, Manhattan has been transformed into one of the biggest cities in the world filled with extravagance. After the glory of nutmegs had been finished, Run Island is now just a point hardly found in a map.

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