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5 April 2024 11:45

The intention to bathe on Eid al-Fitr is complete with conditions, meanings and priorities

Bathing before Eid prayers is a symbol of ending the holy month of Ramadan and opening a new chapter full of hope and blessings Niko Sulpriyono
The intention to bathe on Eid al-Fitr is complete with conditions, meanings and priorities foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Bathing before Eid prayers is not only a tradition, but also a deep spiritual practice. This ritual is a manifestation of the desire to purify oneself, both physically and spiritually, before performing sacred prayers. One of the purposes of this bath is to cleanse oneself of all impurity .

Before taking an Eid al-Fitr bath, it is important to start by reading the intention first. The intention to bathe on Eid al-Fitr shows the devotion of Muslims and their respect for the purity of worship, as well as preparing themselves to celebrate the day of victory with a clean and holy heart.

Bathing before Eid prayers is a symbol of ending the holy month of Ramadan and opening a new chapter full of hope and blessings. For those of you who are still confused about the terms, meaning and virtues of bathing on Eid al-Fitr, here is the complete review on brilio.net from various sources on Friday (5/4).

1. Definition of Eid al-Fitr bathing

photo: freepik.com

Eid al-Fitr bathing, also known as the mandatory Eid al-Fitr bathing, is a tradition in Islam that is carried out on Eid al-Fitr. This mandatory bathing activity is usually carried out by Muslims at night before Eid al-Fitr prayers. The meaning of Eid al-Fitr bathing is to cleanse oneself physically and spiritually after completing the Ramadan fast.

This bath is considered a form of repentance, washing away sins that may have been committed during the month of Ramadan. Apart from that, bathing on Eid al-Fitr is also a preparation for celebrating Eid al-Fitr with a clean and fresh appearance. Eid al-Fitr bathing is done in the same way as the obligatory bath, namely bathing by pouring water all over the body in a pure state.

However, there is a special difference in bathing Eid al-Fitr, namely by reciting a special intention to cleanse oneself of sins and in preparation for living the holiday in a holy and perfect condition. By taking this bath, Muslims are expected to start the holiday with a sincere, clean heart and full of spiritual cleanliness.

2. The importance of bathing on Eid al-Fitr in Islam

photo: freepik.com

Eid al-Fitr bathing has a very important priority in Islam. This bath symbolizes purity and self-purification from sins and misfortunes that may have been committed throughout the year. Eid al-Fitr bathing is also a form of physical and spiritual preparation for Muslims who want to start the new year with a clean heart and free from sin.

There is a hadith that explains the virtues of bathing on this Eid. In a hadith narrated by Muslim, Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Whoever performs ablution properly, then goes down to the mosque, does not remember but wants to start the new year cleanly, then his past sins are forgiven him."

From this hadith, we can understand the importance of bathing on Eid al-Fitr as a means of obtaining forgiveness of sins and blessings at the start of the Islamic new year. Through this bath, Muslims are reminded to clean themselves physically and mentally. With the hope of getting forgiveness from Allah SWT and starting the new year with determination and sincere intentions to increase worship and goodness.

3. Intentions and conditions for Eid al-Fitr bathing

photo: freepik.com

Eid al-Fitr bathing is an important tradition in Islam which is carried out to welcome the Eid al-Fitr holiday, which is the peak moment of the month of Ramadan. Eid al-Fitr bathing has a deep spiritual meaning, because it not only cleanses the body physically, but also symbolizes purity of heart and perfection of worship during the month of Ramadan.

Most Muslims believe that bathing on Eid al-Fitr is part of the sunnah of Rasulullah SAW which must be followed to get great rewards. The following are the intentions for Eid al-Fitr bathing complete with their meanings.

"Nawaitul ghusla lillahi ta'ala sunnatan 'idil fitri farod'an, inni wajjahtu wajhi lilladzi fatarash shamau wal ardha hanifan musliman wa ma ana minal musyrikin."

Meaning: "I intend to take a big bath because of Allah Ta'ala, it is sunnah on the Eid al-Fitr holiday, I offer my face to God who created the heavens and the earth sincerely, as a Muslim, and I am not among the polytheists."

4. Conditions for carrying out the Eid al-Fitr bath

1. Sincere intentions

Before starting the Eid al-Fitr bath, a person must express his intention sincerely and sincerely to perform the bath as part of worship to Allah SWT. This intention must be accompanied by the understanding that bathing is carried out in accordance with the guidance of the Islamic religion.

2. Use clean water

The water used in Eid al-Fitr bathing must be clean and holy. This means that the water must not be polluted by unclean things or things that disturb the purity of the water. The cleanliness of the water is important to ensure the perfection of ritual bathing.

3. The whole body is exposed to water

When bathing on Eid al-Fitr, every part of the body must be completely exposed to water. Starting from head to toe, no part of the body should be overlooked in the bathing process. This is important so that bathing is considered valid according to Islamic law.

4. There is no barrier to the skin

Before taking an Eid bath, it is important to ensure that there are no obstructions preventing the water from reaching the skin. Obstacles such as oil, nail polish, or other objects must be removed from the body. This is to ensure that the body cleansing process runs perfectly.

5. The right implementation time

Eid al-Fitr bathing is done in the morning before performing Eid al-Fitr prayers. Bathing is done at the specified time in accordance with Islamic religious guidelines. If ghusl is done before the specified time, then it will not be considered as Eid ghusl. Therefore, it is important to ensure that bathing is done at the right time according to the teachings of the Islamic religion.

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