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25 Februari 2024 13:00

The intention of sahur to pay the Ramadan fasting debt, complete with its provisions

Replacing fasting debts is obligatory. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
The intention of sahur to pay the Ramadan fasting debt, complete with its provisions freepik.com

Brilio.net - Before entering the month of Ramadan this year, those of you who have not settled the previous year's fasting debt, must pay it off immediately. So what is meant by Ramadan fasting debt?

Simply put, Ramadan fasting debt is known as qadha or making up for the previous year's fasting debt. Where every Muslim is obliged to make up for or make up for the number of days that were missed in the month of Ramadan last year. While the law of qadha fasting is obligatory .

Before fasting, be it Ramadhan fasting, qadha, or others, it is obligatory to have an intention. Well, the intention of fasting is one of the pillars of fasting itself. If you do not intend to fast then your fast is invalid. The intention of fasting itself does not have to be pronounced out loud, it is enough to be in the heart, it is already considered valid.

To further understand the intention of sahur to pay Ramadan fasting debt, or your fasting qadha, you need to read the following comments. Compiled by brilio.net from various sources on Saturday (24/2).

Meaning of Ramadan fasting qadha.

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Ramadan qadha fasting is a fast that is done to make up for the Ramadan fast that was left due to certain reasons, such as illness, menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or travel. Ramadan qadha fasting is obligatory for those who are able to do it, based on the words of Allah SWT:

So (it is obligatory for him to fast) as much as the day he left on the other days. (QS. Al-Baqarah: 184)

photo: tafsirweb

"Ayymam ma'ddt, fa mang kna mingkum maran au 'al safarin fa 'iddatum min ayymin ukhar, wa 'alallana yuqnah fidyatun a'mu miskn, fa man taawwa'a khairan fa huwa khairul lah, wa an tam khairul lakum ing kuntum training"


"(that is) on some specific days. So whoever among you is sick or on a journey (and breaks his fast), then (it is obligatory for him to fast) as much as the days he missed on other days. And it is obligatory for people those who do it (if they do not fast) pay fidyah, (that is): feed a poor person. Whoever willingly does good deeds, that is better for him. And fasting is better for you if you know." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 184)

When fasting Ramadan, you should also understand the intention. As explained by Sheikh Sulaiman Al-Bujairimi in his Hasyiyatul Iqna' that:

"It is required to set the intention at night for obligatory fasting such as Ramadan fasting, qadha fasting, or nadzar fasting. This condition is based on the hadith of the Prophet SAW, 'Whoever does not make up his mind before dawn, then there is no fasting for him.' Therefore, there is no other way except intending to fast every day based on the redaction of the zahir hadith," (See Sheikh Sulaiman Al-Bujairimi, Hasyiyatul Iqna', [Darul Fikr, Beirut: 2007 M/1428 H], vol II).

As for the intention of sahur to pay the debt of Ramadhan fasting or reciting the intention of fasting the qadha of Ramadhan as follows:

photo: Nu Online

"Nawaitu shauma ghadin 'an qadaa'i fardhi syahri Ramadhaana lillaahi ta'aalaa."


I intend to make up for fasting in the month of Ramadan for the sake of Allah Ta'ala.

The intention to fast qadha Ramadhan should also be said at night. This qadha fasting intention can be said in Arabic or Latin.

Provisions for paying Ramadan fasting debt (Ramadan fasting qadha).

photo: freepik.com

Qadha fasting time.

1. Qadha fasting can be done at any time after the month of Ramadan, except on days that are forbidden to fast, namely:

- Eid al-Fitr (1 Syawal)
- Eid al-Adha (10th of Zulhijjah)
- Tasyrik Day (11, 12, and 13 Zulhijjah)
- A lonely Friday (without fasting on Thursday or Saturday)

2. It is best to fast qadha immediately after Ramadhan is over. If there is a valid excuse, such as someone who is sick until the next Ramadan, pregnant, breastfeeding, and forgets, then it can be postponed. However, in addition to fasting qadha is also required to pay fidyah.

However, when delaying the qadha due to laziness or belittling, the ruling is not allowed.

3. There are several opinions of scholars regarding the deadline for the implementation of qadha fasting, namely:

- Before the next Ramadan (majority of scholars)
- Before the next second Ramadan (Syafi'i Madhhab)

Qadha fasting procedures.

The procedures for qadha fasting are the same as other fasting, including Ramadan, namely:

- Refrain from eating, drinking, and sexual intercourse from sunrise to sunset.

- Do sahur and break the fast.

- Performing obligatory prayers and sunnah prayers.

- Increase other worship practices.

Obligation to pay fidyah.

- For people who are unable to make up for the qadha fast due to unforgivable excuses, such as old age, chronic illness, and pregnant or breastfeeding who are worried about harming themselves or their babies, then it is obligatory to pay fidyah.

- Fidyah that must be paid is as much as one mud of basic food for each day left.

- The staple food in question is rice, wheat, dates, or raisins. Fidyah can be given to the poor or distributed to the underprivileged directly.

The law of delaying the Ramadan qadha until the next Ramadan fast.

In principle, fasting qadha explains that people who cancel their fast because they are pregnant, breastfeeding, and neglect until Ramadan arrives the following year, then gain an additional burden. Where the three categories are required to pay fidyah as well as make up for missed fasts.

"(The second [obligatory qadha and fidyah] is the absence of fasting by postponing qadha) Ramadan fasting (while having the opportunity until the next Ramadan arrives) is based on the hadith, 'Whoever experiences Ramadan, then does not fast due to illness, then recovers and does not perform qadha until the next Ramadhan arrives, then he should fulfill the Ramadan fast that he is currently living, after that pay off his fasting debt and give food to a poor person one day left as expiation,' (HR Ad-Daruquthni and Al-Baihaqi).

From the hadith it can be understood that people who do not make up their fast until the next Ramadan due to illness, forgetfulness, or indeed because of neglect to delay must make up their fast. Where if due to negligence, it is obligatory to perform qadha and pay fidyah amounting to one mud for one day of his fasting debt.

As for the provisions of one mud according to the Maliki, Syafi'iyah, and Hanabilah, it is equivalent to 543 grams. Meanwhile, according to Hanafiyah, one mud is equal to 815.39 grams of staple foods such as rice, sugar, wheat and so on.

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