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11 Februari 2016 15:00

The happiest people are those who believe in Hinduism and Christianity

The lowest rate belongs to those who do not believe in any religion Victoria Tunggono
The happiest people are those who believe in Hinduism and Christianity

Brilio.net/en - Recently a research by British national statistics bureau found that Hindu and Christian people are the happiest in the country, while the lowest rate belongs to those who do not believe in any religion. The study was conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) between April 2012 and March 2015 with 304,740 respondents and the results just released early on this February. It is measuring the index of happiness of United Kingdom citizens in many variables, such as age, domicile, ethnic and religion.

There are four different questions asked to each participant, which are: how satisfy they are with their life in general; do they consider what they are doing in this life is valuable; how happy they were in the previous day; and how worry they were in the previous day. Quoting the survey result, The Daily Telegraph got the average score of life happiness as 7.53 out of 10. The average result for their happiness on previous day was 7.38.

Of all respondents, the lowest score of life happiness are gathered from those who do not identify themselves to any religion, which is 7.22. The score is even lower than any of British average level of happiness. It is even lower than Muslims who scored 7.33, Jewish who got 7.37, and Sikh with 7.45. The highest score belonged to both Hindu and Christian with 7.60.

For the second question, which is how valuable they think their life is, the highest score belonged to Jewish, which was 7.90 and the second was Christian, which was 7.86. Those who do not belong to any religion again scored the lowest, which was 7.58. Dr. Paul McLaren, the psychiatry consultant of Priory Hospital, London, said that faith can be a protective factor to many people. Faith is usually followed by a strong social support which is admitted as a protective factor to psychologist trauma, the doctor explained.

From other category than religion, the highest result for life happiness came from people aged between 65-79 years old, while the lowest life satisfaction level came from those whose age between 45-59 years old.

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