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13 Maret 2024 05:45

The hadith says good or silent, suitable as a guide during the month of Ramadan

Rasulullah Muhammad SAW said, "Most of the sins of the children of Adam originate from their tongues." (HR. Tirmidhi). Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
The hadith says good or silent, suitable as a guide during the month of Ramadan foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - As Muslims it is recommended to guard the tongue in order to say good words . Because in fact the tongue is likened to a knife that can hurt others if it is not used properly.

Until the Prophet Muhammad SAW ordered his people to always say good things and if they really can't, then it's better to keep quiet. That's where many hadiths come from, say good or keep quiet to keep your mouth shut.

Not only the hadith says good or silent, Allah SWT also said in Surat An-Nisa verse 114 that commands Muslims to always guard their tongues and replace it with dhikr to Allah SWT. As for the meaning contained in Surat An-Nisa verse 114 as follows:

"There is no good in most of their whispers, except for the whispers of those who order (people) to give charity, or to do good, or to make peace between people. And whoever does that because of seeking God's pleasure, then later We gave him a great reward."

So it is important for everyone to know and understand the hadith of speaking well or being silent, especially when going through the fasting of Ramadhan which requires you to guard your tongue as best as possible.

The hadith of saying good or being silent can help you to know the limitations in speaking during the month of Ramadan. There are several hadiths about speaking well or being silent that can be used in everyday life.

Here are some hadiths about speaking well or being silent that brilio.net reported from various sources, Tuesday (12/3).

1. Hadith Allah hates Muslims who say things without basis

Hadith says good or silent

In everyday life, of course, you often use words to communicate and convey something, but you need to know that everything you talk about has limits so that it doesn't hurt other people or even be hated by Allah SWT. Because Allah SWT does not like His people who say things without basis or ask someone something that is not useful. So, be careful with your words and the basis of the words you want to convey to someone.

"Indeed, Allah is pleased with you in three things and hates you in three things too. Allah is pleased with you if you worship Allah and do not associate anything with him, hold fast to the rope (religion) and are not divided. And Allah hates you if you like to say things without basis, a lot asking useless questions and wasting wealth." (HR At-Tirmidhi).

2. Hadith is kept verbal

Hadith says good or silent

"Indeed, a servant says a sentence that incurs the wrath of Allah Ta'ala which he does not pay attention to but results in being plunged into hell." (HR Bukhari).

Through this hadith, you have to be more careful in what you say and be more careful with your words, because indeed Allah SWT knows better what is good and bad for His people to say. Don't let Allah SWT anger you just because you don't guard your words.

3. Hadith prohibits telling about one's own disgrace

Hadith says good or silent

"Everyone of my people is forgiven except for those who tell of their own disgrace. Indeed, among the acts of telling of their own disgrace is a person who commits an act (sin) at night and has it covered by Allah SWT, then in the morning he himself reveals what Allah has covered." (HR. Al Bukhari and Muslim).

Allah SWT loves His people so much that he is willing to cover all the disgrace of His people. However, there are some people who are proud to tell other people about their bad things using their words. Don't let yourself be one of these people, so that you will always receive forgiveness from Allah SWT.

4. Hadith about the virtue of silence

Hadith says good or silent

Rasulullah Muhammad SAW also said, "Silence is security." (HR. Tirmidhi), you can watch your tongue so as not to talk about things that are not necessary and could harm yourself or others. When you choose to remain silent and guard your words when communicating, then at least Allah SWT will give you security and always cover your disgrace so that it does not come out of your own mouth. So keep quiet if you can't say good things.

5. Hadith about holding back anger

Hadith says good or silent

Rasulullah Muhammad SAW said, "Whoever holds back his anger when he is able to vent it, Allah will call him before all creatures on the Day of Resurrection, then he will be allowed to choose his anger." (HR. Abu Dawud).

When they are angry, of course most people are less able to control their speech and the words that come out of their mouths. So the hadith about controlling anger is closely related to the hadith of saying good or being silent. So try to restrain your anger and words so you don't fall into the wrath of Allah SWT.

6. Hadith about thinking before you speak

Hadith says good or silent

Rasulullah Muhammad SAW said, "If one of you wants to speak, let him think beforehand whether his words will take him to heaven or hell." (HR. Tirmidhi).

Through this hadith we are reminded to always think first before saying something so as not to hurt other people's feelings and be hated by Allah SWT. So get used to not being in a hurry to say something, try to think it through carefully before it comes out of your mouth.

7. Hadith about the dangers of oral speech

Hadith says good or silent

Rasulullah Muhammad SAW said, "Most of the sins of the children of Adam originate from their tongues." (HR. Tirmidhi).

Using words is unavoidable in everyday life, so you have to be able to take care of it and learn to say nice things. This hadith explains and at the same time gives a strong warning that you need to know when to speak and when to be silent. So it is better to say good words or be silent so that you always get the blessing of Allah SWT.

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