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30 Mei 2024 18:20

The brilliant fate of the first conjoined twins in Indonesia, from complicated surgery to becoming a successful doctor

These conjoined twins underwent head separation surgery in 1987. This operation became a brilliant piece of history in the world of Indonesian medicine. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
The brilliant fate of the first conjoined twins in Indonesia, from complicated surgery to becoming a successful doctor

Brilio.net - In 1987, many people were shocked by the birth of the first conjoined twins in Indonesia. They were named Yuliana-Yuliani and were born with their heads attached vertically. Now, the two women are back in the public spotlight after their latest condition became known.

Born with a rare condition, Yuliana-Yuliani successfully underwent separation surgery at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Central General Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta when she was 2 months 21 days old. This procedure was assisted by RSCM neurosurgeon, Dr Padmosantjojo. He said that the operation was complicated, but thankfully the doctor managed to separate the heads of the two twins.

This operation was a milestone in the history of Indonesian medicine, especially neurosurgery. In fact, the doctor who treated Yuliana-Yuliani considered this operation to be a masterpiece throughout his career as a doctor. He also decided to care for and raise the twins.

photo: YouTube/dream.co.id

Reporting from merdeka.com, as they grow, the doctor raises and educates them well. He even provided financial support for the twins' educational needs. Starting from elementary school to college.

After the operation, the child grew like a normal person. Even though the head separation operation carries high risks because it is so close to the brain, he and his twin are still able to compete with other children who were born normally in the field of education.

They also play and love to learn. It is known that Yuliana-Yuliani was successfully educated by the doctor to become an intelligent child. This is proven by their achievements when they grow up.

photo: YouTube/dream.co.id

Yuliana's older sister has successfully completed her education and graduated as a Bachelor of Nutrition and Food Science at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB). No half-hearted, this woman graduated with a perfect GPA, namely 4, so she was entitled to a cum laude degree.

Now, Yuliana has a career as a nutritionist and works at a prestigious private company in the Sentul Industrial Area, Bogor.

photo: YouTube/dream.co.id

Meanwhile, his younger brother also made brilliant achievements. It is known that Yuliani followed in the footsteps of the wingless angel who saved her life. He has now become a doctor. Yuliana graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University (Unand), Padang.

Yuliani admitted that she wanted to continue Padmosantjojo's struggle as a surgeon specializing in neurosurgery. He did this so that the person who had changed his life would feel proud of Yuliani. Because of this, Yuliani continued her education to become a specialist doctor.

"We want to make parents, Pakde (Dr. Padmosantjojo)," he said, quoted from merdeka on Thursday (30/5).

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