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31 Mei 2024 14:30

Sasa has been fighting stunting for four years, now he is training Posyandu cadres to be the front guard

Through the "Let's Prevent Stunting" (ACS) initiative, Sasa has collaborated with the Indonesian Rotary Club and the Indonesian Cakrawala Foundation since 2020. Dwiyana Pangesthi
foto: istimewa5

Brilio.net - PT Sasa Inti as a leading food and cooking spice company from Indonesia has been dedicated to fighting stunting for 4 consecutive years. Namely through various community empowerment activities entitled the "Let's Prevent Stunting" program.

Through the "Let's Prevent Stunting" (ACS) initiative, Sasa has collaborated with the Indonesian Rotary Club and the Indonesian Cakrawala Foundation since 2020 to empower the community through education and increasing resources for stunting prevention. The 2024 ACS program is marked by counselor training for dozens of Posyandu cadres.

The training was held for two days on 29-30 May 2024 at the PT Sasa Inti Office. The event was filled with a series of speakers. Namely there is Rida Atmiyanti from PT Sasa Inti, Dr. Lies Zakaria Mars from the F2H Health Cakrawala Foundation, Roziana Wiguna from Rotary Club Indonesia (Moderator), Barid Effendi from Griya Kelor representing the Beyond Moringa International Cooperative, Saipullah from PT Cikarang Listrindo Tbk, and Fajar Ayuningsih, AMd.Gz, SIKom, M.Par . from Podomoro University.

Nutrition education for these cadres is packaged attractively with adult teaching methods using teaching aids, simulations, talk shows and cooking classes. This event is also the start of a healthy menu creation competition to prevent stunting among posyandu cadres which is planned to consist of 4 big cities, namely Jakarta, Cikarang, Probolinggo and South Minahasa.

Simultaneously with this cadre training, a program was also launched entitled "Healthy Menu Creation Competition, Great Mother's Recipes for a Stunting-Free Generation".

photo: special

As is known, stunting or failure to grow and develop in children can be prevented by providing nutritious food to children during the first thousand days of life (HPK) from the time they are in the womb. Through this event, it is hoped that housewives will be able to create cheap, healthy menus at home. Namely, you can use local food sources that can be obtained in your own garden, such as Moringa leaves or fish sourced from your own livestock pond. Healthy dishes from home garden sources are even more complete using Sasa Coconut Milk which is equipped with Omega 3 and 6 which are of course very necessary for the body.

Rudolf Tjandra, CEO of PT Sasa Inti hopes that this collaboration with various parties can inspire many parties to also be moved to carry out the same program in areas that are most likely to be reached in their respective regions.

So, here are the achievements of the 4 year Let's Prevent Stunting program:

1. Community engagement.

During the 4 years of working to combat stunting, PT Sasa Inti has carried out a series of activities in 11 locations in Jabodetabek, Probolinggo, South Minahasa, Medan, Jogjakarta, Lampung and Palembang. Sasa's work.

2. Nutrition education.

The most basic thing that can be done to prevent stunting is to provide knowledge to as many people as possible about what stunting is and its causes. Sasa together with Rotary conducted nutritional education in the Let's Prevent Stunting training for Posyandu cadres, pregnant women and mothers of toddlers, young men and women-to-be mothers whose education was carried out through various activities at high schools and universities, as well as teacher counseling.

3. Distribution of "Prevent Stunting" props.

Sasa collaborated with the Rotary Club Indonesia District 3410 and the Cakrawala Indonesia Foundation using teaching aids in the form of a nutrition calendar and a height measuring ruler which were distributed to the Posyandu cadres under his care. The printed teaching aids are the result of long studies from the Indonesian Cakrawala Foundation, which is also a pioneer of PAUD in Indonesia. Rulers and nutrition demonstration calendars were distributed to Posyandu. 1 Posyandu can reach 50 100 children. Meanwhile, the total amount of teaching aids distributed was approximately 12,000 props which were distributed to around 1000 Posyandu during the period 2020 to 2023.

4. Impact.

The Posyandu Cadre training program that Sasa has been carrying out since 2020 is a 'train for trainer' created to have a wider impact than the number of cadres who take part in the training directly. Because 1 counselor can produce 3 other cadres and 1 cadre can serve approximately 10 families in the village.

Community empowerment for action to prevent stunting initiated by Sasa has successfully contributed to reducing the stunting ranking in Probolinggo Regency. This achievement received an award from the Regent of Minsel in 2023. This community empowerment activity also won a number of awards in 2023, including ISDA and TOP CSR 2023 with a 5 Star rating.

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