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5 Februari 2016 09:00

Robert Durst pleads guilty to illegal gun possession

He will be sentenced to 85 months in a prison, under a plea bargain, which is a walk in the park to the 10 year sentence and $250,000 fine.
Robert Durst pleads guilty to illegal gun possession © 2016 Matthew Hinton, Associated Press

Brilio.net/en - It was a chilling final scene for anyone who had watched the Jinx, the six-part HBO special interviewing and examining the strange history of real estate heir and murder suspect Robert Durst. The six-hour documentary examines in detail the events and the allegations against Durst, with filmmaker Andrew Jarecki asking questions.

The series ends with Durst excusing himself to the bathroom and without knowing the microphone was on exclaiming: What the hell did I do? I killed them all, of course. By all he was referring to his best friend Ms. Susan Berman, who was found shot dead in her apartment in Los Angeles as well as the death and dismemberment of his neighbor Morris Black and the 1982 disappearance of his wife.

Image: latimes

The eccentric millionaire who inherited his fortune was unable to be acquitted with that startling piece of evidence, but his pot of luck is running low. On Wednesday February 3 he pleaded guilty in a New Orleans court on the account of illegally possessing a .38-caliber revolver. Last March, under the suspicion of him fleeing the country, the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested him where they had found him to be in possession of a handgun, which is a violation as he is a felon.

He will be sentenced to 85 months in a federal prison, under a plea bargain, which is a walk in the park to the 10 year sentence and $250,000 fine he was facing. Then again, for a man whos worth well over $100 million USD, that fine seems more like pocket change than a punishment.

He was able to hire a legal team so fierce that in 2003 a jury in Texas acquitted him of the murder and dismemberment despite a testimony explaining how he cut up the body of Morris Black and through parts of the body into the Galveston Bay. I just threw the garbage bags off the pier, he said. I could barely lift them. I expected them to sink.

Durst will begin his sentence in August of this year, which will give the prosecution in Los Angeles a little over six months to put a case together and transfer Durst from New Orleans to California. The courtroom is sure to play out into a circus, with legendary Texas litigator Dick DeGuerin representing Durst.

(Reported by Ivana Lucic)

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