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13 Juni 2017 09:00

Rizieq Shihab Obtained Life-Time Visa, But Not Really

Not so fast, Rizieq. Not so fast. Tunggul Kumoro
Rizieq Shihab Obtained Life-Time Visa, But Not Really Rizieq Shihab, leader of the Indonesian hardline Muslim group FPI (Front Pembela Islam or Islamic Defender Front), speaks to journalists at the police headquarters in Jakarta on January 23, 2017. (Photo: AFP Photo/Adek Berry)

Islamic Defenders Front leaderRizieq Shihab's lawyer, Kapitra Ampera said that his client has received a special visa from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He said that the visa has no expiry date.

Kapitra claimed to have just received the information from Rizieq himself on Sunday.

"I've just had a chat with Rizieq. He received a special visa front the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for a life-time period, unlimited days," said Kapitra.

Kapitra added, with the special visitor visa, Rizieq is no longer required to extend his visa.

The statement was then confirmed by lawyer Eggy Sudjana, who said Rizieq can go anywhere with his newly-granted visa.

"With the visa, he can go to Saudi Arabia, to Malaysia, then back to Saudi Arabia or to Indonesia," explained Eggi.

However, Eggi claimed to know nothing about the detail of the procedure undertaken by his client for obtaining the visa extension.

"I don't know because it wasn't me who took care of it," said Eggi.

Meanwhile, the Direcotrate General of Immigration Spokesperson Agung Sampurno clarified that there is no valid visa that has no expiration period.

"There is no unlimited visa. It's only single or multiple," said Agung to Kompas.com on Monday.

Agung said that a visa or entry permit is different from residence permit. Rizeq's presence in Saudi Arabia, said Agung, is set through a permit granted by Arab Saudi.

This residence permit is also limited and not without an expiry date. Short-term residence permit is valid over three days, while long-term residence permit is valid for more than one year.

"There is no such life-time visa in the world's history. There must be a limit, otherwise it's called a citizenship. Even permanent resident has a period limit," said Agung.

Rizieq Shihab was named a suspect for his sex-chat case on May 29, 2017. He was reportedly going to extend his visa to stay in Saudi Arabia for another one year on June 6, 2017 despite several summoning attempts by the police for questioning.

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