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21 Februari 2024 09:00

Practice on the night of Nisfu Syaban, complete with prayers and rewards for doing it

The arrival of Nisfu Syaban night also indicates that the month of Ramadan will soon arrive. Kharisma Alfi Tiara
Practice on the night of Nisfu Syaban, complete with prayers and rewards for doing it foto: freepik.com

The month of Shaban is one of the glorified months in Islam. This month is the 8th month in the Hijri calendar. In this month, there are many sunnah practices that are recommended to be done as a form of worship to Allah.

In addition, the night of Nisfu Syaban is also a special night in Islam. The night falls in the middle of the month of Shaban and is believed to be the night in which God determines the destiny of His servants for the coming year. Many acts of worship are recommended to be performed on that night, such as night prayers, reading the Qur'an, and increasing istighfar.

Night Nisfu Syaban is also often used to multiply prayers and ask God for forgiveness for all the sins that have been committed. That is why, many Muslims take advantage of the night of Nisfu Shaban to perform sunnah worship and ask God for forgiveness.

Thus, the month of Shaban and the night of Nisfu Shaban is the right time to increase worship and improve oneself as a Muslim. Compiled by brilio.net from various sources on Tuesday (20/2) following the practice on the night of Nisfu Syaban, complete with prayers and rewards for doing it.

photo: freepik.com

1. Read two sentences of creed.

The two sentences of the creed are sacred sentences that are highly recommended to be read on the night of Nisfu Syaban. These two sentences also become a practice and testimony of a servant to Allah SWT.

2. Increase remembrance and forgiveness.

On the night of Nisfu Shaban, God will come down to earth and open forgiveness for all his servants, except for those who are polytheists and those who are hostile.

Sayyid Muhammad bin Alawi still in the same book, Ithmi'nanul Qulub asserted that istighfar is the main practice and its existence is good to be practiced by Muslims, especially during special times such as the night of Nisfu Syaban.

3. Shaban fasting.

Night of Nisfu Syaban occurs in the middle of the month of Syaban or on the 15th of Syaban. Nisfu Syaban fast is performed on Ayyamul Bidh. Ayyamul Bidh fasting is fasting that is done in the middle of the month, that is on the 13th, 14th, and 15th day of the Hijri every month except during the month of Ramadan.

Prophet Muhammad SAW told his people not to miss this half of Shaban. In the narration of Bukhari, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said,

"Sya'ban is the month between Rajab and Ramadan. This month is largely neglected by mankind, even though in this month (Syaban) the deeds of the servant are lifted (accepted by Allah). I want my deeds to be accepted by Allah in the month of Syaban in my condition fasting."

4. Reading Surat Yasin.

On the night of Nisfu Syaban reading Surat Yasin is recommended three times. The first Surat Yasin is read to pray for long life and piety to Allah SWT, the second Surat Yasin is read to beg for increased sustenance, and the third Surat Yasin is read to beg for the establishment of Islamic faith until the end of life.

Dua Night Nisfu Syaban.

photo: freepik.com

"Allaahumma yaa dzal manni walaa yumannu alaika ya dzal jalaali wal ikraam, Yaa dzath thauli wal in aam laa ilaaha illaa anta, dahrul laajiin, Wa jaarul Mustajiiriin, Wa amaanul khaa ifiin.

Allahumma in kunta katabta nii indaka fii ummil kitaabi syaqiyyan aw mahruuman aw mathruudan aw muqtarran alayya fir rizqi famhu.

Allahumma bi fadllika syaqaawatii wa hirmaanii wa thardii waq titaari rizqii wa ats-bitnii indaka fii ummil kitaabi sa 'iidan marzuuqan muwaf faqal lil khairaat. Fa innaka qulta wa qaulta wa qaulukal haqqu fii kitaabikal munazzali 'alaa nabiyyikal mursali, yamhul laahumaa yasyaa u wa yutsbitu wa indahuu ummul kitaabi.

Ilaahii bittajallil Aadhami fii lailatin nishfi min syahri syabaanil mukarramil latii yufraqu fiihaa kullu amrin hakiim wa yubram ishrif annii minal balaa i maa alamu wa maa laa alam wa anta allaamul ghuyuubi birahmatika yaa arhamar raahimiin.

Wa sallallaahu 'alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadiw wa 'alaa aalihii wa sahbihi wa sallama."


"O Allah my Lord, O One who has grace and no one gives You grace, O One who has majesty and glory, O One who has power and who gives favors, no God has the right to be worshiped but You, the shelter of those who flee , a refuge for those who seek refuge and a safe place for those who fear.

Oh God, my Lord, if You have established me in the Ummul Kitab (Lauh Mahfuz) that is by Your side as a person who is wretched, hindered, expelled or narrowed in sustenance, may You remove it.

Oh God, my Lord, by your grace what is in the Ummul Kitab is about me as a person who is wretched, hindered, driven out and deprived of sustenance. And may You decide in the Ummul Kitab that is by Your side so that I become a happy person, get a lot of sustenance and be successful in all good things. because indeed You have said in Your book and Your word is true which was revealed through the mouth of the Prophet whom You sent, God abolishes what He wills and establishes, and by His side is the Ummul Kitab.

O my Lord, Thanks to the great appearance (of Your mercy) on the night of the middle of the glorious month of Sha'ban, all the matters that were set with wisdom were detailed. May You save me from all the disasters that I know and that I do not know and that You know more (than me), and You are All-Knowing of all that is unseen, thanks to Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

And may God bestow mercy on our master Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions, may He bestow peace (upon them)."

The reward of doing good deeds on the night of Nisfu Syaban

photo: freepik.com

Nisfu Syaban night is one of the most special nights in Islam. Scholars say that doing good deeds on the night of Nisfu Syaban has many rewards and rewards. The rewards obtained include forgiveness of sins, increased sustenance, protection from disasters, and avoidance of the punishment of the grave. In addition, the practices performed on the night of Nisfu Syaban can also bring blessings and blessings in life.

Some hadith references that explain the importance of doing good deeds in the month of Shaban and the night of Nisfu Shaban include the hadith narrated by Abu Bakar As-Shiddiq which states that on the night of Nisfu Shaban, Allah SWT descends to the heavens and forgives all His servants except the infidels, polytheists , a person who is hostile to his brother, and a person who has a grudge.

Thus, it can be concluded that doing good deeds on the night of Nisfu Syaban has a great reward according to Islamic teachings. Therefore, as Muslims, it is important for us to increase good practices such as reading the Qur'an, praying, and giving alms on that night.

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