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14 Februari 2024 10:11

Plan your future from an early age, BRI DPLK pension investment via BRImo is easier to access

A comfortable and prosperous retirement is no longer a dream! Dwiyana Pangesthi
Foto: shutterstock.com

Brilio.net - Preparing retirement funds is very important for welcoming a happy, prosperous and secure old age. The reason is that no one knows what will happen in old age. Therefore, preparation for retirement is certainly needed. The earlier you start saving for retirement funds, the brighter your future will be.

Retirement is a time when someone is no longer active and chooses not to continue the job they have. This phase is a time when a person no longer has a regular income like when he was still working. Therefore, it is important to prepare retirement funds from an early age.

There are several important reasons to have a retirement fund. Starting from meeting life's needs in retirement, where we no longer have the regular income we had when we were still working.

Apart from that, it is to maintain financial stability and prevent financial difficulties in retirement. Also to realize financial goals such as buying a house, sending children to school and going on vacation.

Financial Institution Pension Fund (DPLK)

Photo: shutterstock.com

The government has established a pension fund program for the community, namely the Financial Institution Pension Fund (DPLK).

BRI is one of the commercial banks that organizes the DPLK program through a product called BRIFINE or BRI Future Investment.

BRIFINE offers various program and investment options that can be tailored to participants' needs and risk profiles.


The following are some of the benefits of BRIFINE DPLK BRI which can be accessed via the BRImo application:

  • Safe and secure retirement funds: BRI DPLK is supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) so that your retirement funds are safe and secure.
  • Optimal fund development: BRI DPLK offers a variety of investment options with optimal return potential.
  • Tax benefits: BRI DPLK provides tax-free investment returns so returns are more optimal.
  • Ease of access: Now, BRI DPLK can be accessed easily via the BRImo application.

BRIFINE DPLK BRI Investment Options

Photo: shutterstock.com

BRIFINE DPLK BRI provides 5 investment options that you can choose according to your risk profile and financial goals:

  • BRIFINE DPLK BRI Money Market: Suitable for those of you who want low risk and stable returns.
  • BRIFINE DPLK BRI Stock: Suitable for those of you who want high returns and dare to take risks.
  • BRIFINE DPLK BRI Sharia Money Market: Suitable for those of you who want to invest in accordance with sharia principles.
  • BRIFINE DPLK BRI Fixed Income: Suitable for those of you who want moderate returns and risk.
  • BRIFINE DPLK BRI Berimbang Syariah: Suitable for those of you who want a balance between risk and return with sharia principles.

Start preparing for your prosperous retirement with DPLK BRI. Now it is easy to access via the BRIFINE feature available in the BRImo application.

How to open BRIFINE on BRImo

The following is an easy way to open BRIFINE via the BRImo application:

  1. Login to BRImo and select "Investment"
  2. Select "DPLK" on the "Move Investment Assets" menu
  3. Select "Open New BRIFINE"
  4. Fill in Contribution and Employment Data
  5. Confirmation of Data, Photo of KTP, and Checklist of Terms and Conditions

Apart from that, you can check your balance and top up your BRIFINE balance or add contribution deposits at any time in the BRImo application.

A comfortable and prosperous retirement is no longer a dream. With BRIFINE from BRI, we can prepare for retirement easily and safely through BRImo.

So, if you want to get further information regarding the BRIFINE pension fund program easily and practically using BRimo, you can see it here . Immediately download BRImo via the App Store, Play Store and Huawei AppGallery now.

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