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12 Juli 2024 20:25

Often mistaken for plants, get to know what marine animals are that are protected, understand their characteristics and functions

Bahar roots are a group of animals that fall into the category of the phylum Coelenterata or animals that do not have backbones. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
foto: TikTok/@toursm_digital; Liputan6

Brilio.net - Some people know bahar roots as a marine plant that is used as an accessory commodity. Moreover, there are many conceptions in society that consider bahar roots to have supernatural abilities that can ward off evil spirits.

It needs to be acknowledged that bahar root accessories have been popular for a long time in several countries starting from Indonesia, China and Hawaii. In medieval times, this accessory was believed to be able to protect oneself from mystical things, including evil magic .

This claim has no further research , which means it is only a myth that certain people believe about their ancestors. This was also expressed by one of the TikTok content creators @toursm_digital who recently received a bahar root gift from his colleague.

In her upload, the woman explained the roots of the bahar. He informed that the bahar root is a protected animal. Apart from that, he also appealed to the public and bahar root craftsmen to look for other alternatives to bahar root. The reason is that this animal is starting to become extinct due to human activity. So what is bahar root and why is it called an animal?

What is bahar root?

What is the bahar root marine animal, its characteristics and functions

Bahar roots are a group of animals that fall into the phylum Coelenterata category or animals that do not have backbones. Even though its shape resembles a plant, bahar roots are fauna that form colonies around coral reefs.

Quoting the book Encyclopedia of Bahar Roots by Julia R. Tapilatu et al., Bahar roots do not have the ability to retract their tentacles. Therefore, this type of animal cannot live in areas with high sediment and there are no currents to pick up the sediment.

In English, bahar roots are called The Black Corals or The Thorny Corals. Meanwhile, among researchers, this animal is known as Anthiphates. The name corals itself relates to animals that live in sea waters. Especially those that have coral reef ecosystems.

This bahar root animal turns out to have unique qualities that are different from other animals. Not only does it look like a plant, but bahar roots also have features such as:

- Does not have a digestive waste disposal system like other animals with an anus.

- Does not have a respiratory system.

- And it doesn't have a circulatory system.

Even so, this bahar root is included in the marine fauna category, namely having hands or tentacles and a digestive tract. In fact, this animal has a breeding system with special mating.

Examining it more deeply, the bahar root basically does not consist of just one animal. However, this animal resembles a group of hundreds of small animals that look like polyps or animal species that live in colonies.

Furthermore, in research by Yunialdi Hapynes Teffu (2015) in the Journal of the Bogor Agricultural Institute, this bahar root turns out to be part of the Rumphella and Hicksonella genera which are often used as jewelry and as medicine for rheumatism. Especially in eastern areas, such as on Sabu-Raijua Island, East Nusa Tenggara.

Characteristics and functions of bahar root animals.

What is the bahar root marine animal, its characteristics and functions

1. Has hands or tentacles that resemble plants.

2. Has a digestive tract.

3. Reproduce by marriage.

4. The reproductive organs are called gametes, namely male and female gametes.

5. Generally, the breeding period occurs when male and female gametes meet in water.

6. After the gametes fuse, a zygote will be formed. From this zygote a new bahar root animal emerges.

7. Generally live at sea depths of 5-10 meters. Some types live at a depth of 40 meters.

8. Survive in a fertile aquatic environment. If the sea is polluted, the ecosystem of these animals is also disturbed.

Reporting from research from LIPI in 2012, field research in North Maluku Province which was then summarized in the book entitled "Coastal Ecology of Ternate, Tidore and Surroundings" explained that the function of the bahar root animal is as a home and shelter for other marine animals.

Apart from being a place for fish and various other marine biota to live, bahar roots are also important for maintaining coral reef ecosystems. If it is damaged, the fish's potential will decrease. The result can be detrimental to fishermen. Therefore, it is important to protect and maintain the habitat of bahar roots.

Meanwhile, the category of bahar root animals as a type of protected animal and violations of sending bahar roots are contained in the provisions of the legislation, including:

- Law Number 21 of 2019 concerning Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine

- Law Number 31 of 2004 concerning Fisheries as amended in Law No. 45 of 2009

- Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Their Ecosystems

- Finally, Government Regulation Number 7 of 1999 concerning Preservation of Plant and Animal Species with a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison and a maximum fine of IDR 100 million.

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