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3 Februari 2016 14:30

Nestlé ‘revoked’ wafers from Kit Kat: a girl demands a lifetime supply

This blunder committed by Kit Kat has caused mass disappointment among the fans, and one of them has taken action. Retno Wulandari
Nestlé ‘revoked’ wafers from Kit Kat: a girl demands a lifetime supply

Brilio.net/en - Are they revoking wafers from Kit Kat?

Maybe thats the common question popped into of candy lovers head upon biting one of the world's most beloved candies recently. Problem is, some people have found the bars to be all chocolate, without the original wafer.

This blunder committed by Kit Kat has caused mass disappointment among the fans, and one of them has taken action.

British college student Saima Ahmed is especially upset over the wafer absence in her snacks, and she wants a compensation in a form of lifetime Kit Kat supply from Nestl. She told the company. If they refuse, she will take a legal action.

Well, we can assume the company will respond in humorous manner, give us a break! cant we?

Previously, Ahmed bought a multi-pack Kit Kats for 2 (or about Rp40,000).

After finding no wafer inside the chocolate bar, she wrote a strongly worded letter to Nestl, demanding a lifetime supply of the snack. She stated, The loss I have suffered is of monetary and emotional significance.

They go about advertising the unique concept of Kit Kat, but Im so disappointed by what I have purchased. Im hoping they will apologize to me and in future focus more on quality of their product, Ahmed told the Daily Mail. No one else in that industry has that unique concept about mixing the wafer with the chocolate and thats why Im a fan.

She has yet to hear any response from Nestl.

But we could assume that Ahmed isnt the only one who is upset over the lack of wafers. Recently, other Kit Kat consumers have been expressing their disappointment on social media.

Maybe Ahmed is the only one who insists on indemnity from Nestl, but who knows if someday other candy lovers will follow her lead?

As stated by the folk in Mashable, all of this just for a Kit Kat bar. What would they do for a Klondike bar?***


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