The wedding of Zahwa Nadhira and Royhan Akbar became the public spotlight after the marriage contract was held at the Hubbul Wathan Grand Mosque, NTB. The second reception took place at The Tribrata Hotel, South Jakarta on Sunday, December 1, 2024. This was a precious moment for Mahfud MD and the TGB Zainul Majdi family, who were united in the bonds of an extended family.
This reception carries Betawi customs, adding to the cheerful atmosphere. After the viral wedding with NTB customs, this time Zahwa and Royhan stole the attention with a different cultural concept. Mahfud MD, as the host, gave a warm and culturally rich traditional touch.
The guests were amazed by the Betawi decorations that reflected the beauty of ondel-ondel through colorful pennants. The chanting of Rebana Dor enlivened the atmosphere, welcoming guests from various circles. The intimacy of the bride and groom was also a highlight for the guests.
Among the important guests, Mahfud MD and his friends were also present, adding to the excitement of this reception. Here are some portraits of the event, summarized from Instagram @zahwanadhira.
1. Zahwa Nadhira looks graceful in a Betawi kebaya, while Royhan looks charming in a matching beskap and peci.
photo: Instagram/@zahwanadhira
2. The cultural nuances are increasingly felt with beautiful and magnificent flower decorations, combining Betawi traditions with a modern touch.
photo: Instagram/@zahwanadhira
3. This event was attended by high-ranking officials such as Anies Baswedan, Sandiaga Uno, and Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.
photo: Instagram/@zahwanadhira
4. Mahfud MD stands proudly beside his wife, Zaizatun Nihayati, warmly welcoming important guests.
photo: Instagram/@zahwanadhira
5. Even though the figure of TGB Zainul Majdi was not visible in the documentation of this event, the atmosphere was still lively.
photo: Instagram/@zahwanadhira
6. Zahwa's mother, Robiatul Adawiyah, was present accompanied by her new husband, giving her full support to her daughter.
photo: Instagram/@zahwanadhira
7. This reception is a symbol of the harmony of two great cultures, strengthening the ties between the two families.
photo: Instagram/@zahwanadhira
8. Mahfud MD succeeded in holding an event that was not only full of tradition, but also reflected the warmth of family.
photo: Instagram/@zahwanadhira
9. The sound of tambourines and Betawi traditional decorations became silent witnesses to Zahwa and Royhan's second wedding party.
photo: Instagram/@zahwanadhira
10. This momentum confirms the presence of two big families on the national stage in a very impressive way.
photo: Instagram/@zahwanadhira