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27 Februari 2016 09:00

Magic potion recipe to overcome painful migraine within minutes

We are too dependent on medics and prescriptions, though there is a natural way that can help stop a painful migraine within minutes. Retno Wulandari
Magic potion recipe to overcome painful migraine within minutes

Brilio.net/en - For me(and probaby millions of people around the globe), migraine is a doomsday sentence. It destroys productivity and just ruins my day. If anyone of you has been through years of suffering from migrainesand helplessly seeking a decent solution, this article might have something for you.

Admit it, we are too dependent on medics and prescriptions. Apparently (yet difficult in practice) there is a natural way that can help stop a painful migraine within minutes.

To make this, let's say, migraine magic potion, youll need three ingredients: water, a lemon (squeeze the juice out), and two teaspoons of salt. Just mix them in a tumbler and drink immediately. Youll have to wait for a few minutes to let the potion do the job.

Image viahealthandlovepage

Image via123rf

The ingredients in this magic potion might be simple and easy, but one you have to keep in mind when choosing the ingredients is that the salt should be of good quality. Himalayan salt is the best choice, as it contains 80 different trace minerals (including magnesium).

In fact, eating salt quickly is proven to raise levels of serotonin, the responsible substance in our brain foragood mood, social behavior, memory, appetite and digestion. It also helps to overcome pain and inflammation.

Signs that this potion is for you

Migraines affect almost one out of every 10 people in the world. Its in the top twenty excuseusedto call in sick for work.

When you are having a migraine and experience these symptoms, you will surely benefit from the lemon-salt combo, in reducing these symptoms:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Head throbbing
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Dizziness
  • Sensitivity to light, noise and smell (or all at once)
  • Pain that lasts from 2 to 72 hours.


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