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26 Oktober 2016 10:00

Indonesian Rugby Union Announces Official 2016 National Team Players

These players were scouted from various rugby events in Indonesia. Brilio.net
Indonesian Rugby Union Announces Official 2016 National Team Players

Brilio.net/en - Persatuan Rugby Union Indonesia (PRUI) this week announced its official list of names playing for the 2016 Indonesian National Team "The Rhinos".

The selection process saw a tight training program involving fitness and skills testing, team trainings, and trial matches. Players were scouted in various events such as during the Jakarta XVs rugby series, Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) 2016, the Bali 10s, while coach Pete Keane and Iswahyudi also attended the Papua Open Rugby Tournament in search of eligible players. The final selection was gathered from a total of eight formal group sessions in Jakarta.

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"As a national rugby union, we also carefully consider representatives from our provincial members to make the national XVs team and the selection committee have now made the decision for the national team squad this year," a statement from PRUI says.

The names are as follows.

  • Head Coach: Peter Keane
  • Assistant Coach: Stephen Field
  • Team Manager: Fikri Al Azhar
  • Team Manager: Iswahyudi
No Name Date of Birth
1 Handy Hermawan 11 Juni 1990
2 Leonardo Prakoso 18 Agustus 1997
3 Wira Ditta Lokantara 9 April 1992
4 Muhammad Yacob 30 Agustus 1993
5 Adrian Bunyamin 17 September 1992
6 Niko Joku 3 November 1982
7 Rhys Asmara Gondosapoetro 26 Maret 1991
8 Maychel Zedek Arwam 25 November 1987
9 Alton Annar Yunior 25 Februari 1986
10 Bayu Satria Mudjahid 5 November 1987
11 Brandon Atkinson 10 September 1995
12 Blaise Hope 8 Januari 1990
13 Marco Sebastian 9 Mei 1985
14 Charles Munroe 7 Agustus 1993
15 Martino Ray Kapan 19 Mei 1996
16 Bobby Sumantri 2 Mei 1991
17 Oya Yohei 3 Juli 1985
18 Max Theo Nico Medes Karubun 26 Februari 1993
19 Ari Yuda Pramono 6 Januari 1994
20 Ian Scott Atkinson 17 November 1992
21 Christopher Adhitya Hardwika 16 Agustus 1995
22 Ronald Erick Demena 24 April 1989
23 Supriyana 6 Maret 1992
24 Dominic Wong 7 September 1993
25 Justin Field 11 Desember 1990

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