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24 Desember 2016 09:55

The Transportation Minister Has Something To Say About 'Om Telolet Om'

The minister appealed for bus drivers to prioritize road safety. Islahuddin
The Transportation Minister Has Something To Say About 'Om Telolet Om' Image: Berita Terkini

Brilio.net/en - Indonesian Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi appealed to bus drivers to not sound their horns unless the situation called for it as the "Om Telolet Om" trend continues to make its rounds on the internet.

We see it as fun but it's also dangerous, and for that we are calling on bus operators not to turn it into a new attraction that could potentially harm people," Budi said after a speech during the Transportation Safety Award at the ministry on Wednesday.

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The minister stated that he will consider imposing a prohibition on the funny sounding horns to ensure road traffic safety.

According to the 2012 Government Regulation No. 55 on vehicles, vehicles are allowed a minimum volume of 83 decibles (dB) and 118 decibles (dB)for their horns.

Transportation Ministry spokesperson Bambang S. Ervan said the government might consider reviewing the regulation, although adding that for the time being, as long as buses do not exceed the volume allowance in the policy, it will not be considered a violation.

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However, he continued that there are certain places where honking will remain prohibited, such as schools and houses of worship.

We put markers there [school and house of worship], but this has become a phenomenon and [it should be noted that] the streets are not a playground, he said.

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