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29 Mei 2017 14:30

Indonesian Elders Appeal For National Unity And Tolerance

Listen to those who have more experience than you do. Angga Roni Priambodo
Indonesian Elders Appeal For National Unity And Tolerance

After a lot of drama related to race and religion happened in Indonesia mostly Jakarta causing online wars on social media and physical disputes in real life, some prominent Indonesian senior figures coming from different religious background gathered to speak out.

During The Forum of The Nations Elders for Indonesian Peace at Gadjah Mada University,Yogyakarta, last Friday, prominent Islamic clericsBuyaSyafiiMaarif,QuraishShihabKH andMustofaBisri, cardinal JuliusDharmaatmaja, former first ladySintaNuriyahWahid,bhikkuNyanaSuryanadi, humanist MohammadSobary, priest GomarGultom, scholar AbdulMunirMulkan, head of NadhlatulUlamaKH ImamAzisand some other figures gave five appeal as a response for Indonesia's current situation.

1. All the elements of the nation, especially the government shall remind all parties about the importance of unity of diverse Indonesia and to putPancasilaas the nations identity for all generation.

2. The government shall be firm and wise in responding to the situation that might lead to the rift of unity and it should act with the safety of the nation as the first priority.

3. The government shall have the same attitude and language in facing various nations challenges.

4.Theeducation of the nations politics and history shall be restrengthened for all politicians as well as other elements, for the nations safety and future.

5. True fraternityneeds to be built by upholding a fair and civilized humanitarian value to maintain the nations unity. There is no religion that teaches violence. All religions oblige the acceptance and respect towards others.

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