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3 September 2024 11:41

How to treat prolapsed uterus in men

This occurs when part of the intestine or other tissue inside the abdomen protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal wall. Annisa Endriyati Utami
How to treat prolapsed uterus in men

Brilio.net - Prolapsed uterus in men generally occurs when part of the intestine or other tissue in the abdomen protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal wall. This is often caused by excessive pressure, such as lifting heavy weights, chronic coughing, or repeated constipation.

Symptoms of uterine prolapse in men

Some common symptoms that may be felt by men with a prolapsed uterus include:

1. Lumps that appear in the groin or stomach area.
2. Pain or discomfort, especially when lifting heavy objects, bending over, or coughing.
3. A feeling of heaviness or fullness in the affected area.
4. Nausea and vomiting in some more severe cases.

If you experience the above symptoms, it is very important to immediately find a way to treat uterine prolapse so that the condition does not get worse.

How to treat prolapsed uterus in men

There are several methods that can be used as a way to treat prolapsed uterus in men. The choice of this method depends on the severity of the condition, age, and overall health of the patient. Here are some common options:

1. Use of drugs
One way to treat uterine prolapse that is often recommended is the use of drugs to relieve symptoms. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen can be used to reduce pain and inflammation. Although these drugs do not cure uterine prolapse permanently, they can help reduce symptoms and improve patient comfort.

2. Physical therapy
Physical therapy is a way to treat uterine prolapse that aims to strengthen the muscles around the affected area. Specially designed exercises can help strengthen the abdominal muscles and prevent uterine prolapse from getting worse. Before starting physical therapy, you should consult a physiotherapist to get an exercise program that suits your condition.

3. Operation
If a prolapsed uterus in men does not improve with conservative treatment, surgery may be needed as a more effective way to treat a prolapsed uterus. Hernia surgery can be performed through an open procedure or laparoscopy, both of which aim to repair the weakened tissue and push the protruding organ back into place. This surgery usually has a high success rate and can prevent future hernias.

4. Avoid triggers
Avoiding certain triggers is also an effective way to treat uterine prolapse to prevent the condition from getting worse. For example, avoid lifting heavy objects, improve your posture when sitting and standing, and prevent constipation by eating foods high in fiber. These habits can help reduce pressure on the abdominal area and reduce the risk of uterine prolapse.

Lifestyle changes to treat uterine prolapse

In addition to medical methods, lifestyle changes are also important as a way to treat uterine prolapse. Some steps that can be taken include:

Maintain ideal body weight : Being overweight can increase pressure on the abdomen and worsen uterine prolapse. Therefore, maintaining ideal body weight with a healthy diet and regular exercise is very important.

Avoid smoking : Smoking can cause chronic coughing that worsens hernias. Quitting smoking can help reduce the risk and symptoms of herniation.

Eat a healthy diet : A diet rich in fiber can prevent constipation and reduce pressure on the abdomen, thereby reducing the risk of developing a hernia.

By understanding the various ways to treat uterine prolapse that exist, you can take the necessary steps to overcome this condition and improve your quality of life.

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