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6 April 2016 14:13

How to detox yourself from sugar

Here are the steps to follow to get rid of the sugar excess from your diet. Celia Tholozan
How to detox yourself from sugar © viewsofia.com

Brilio.net/en - Its very easy to become addicted to sugar. If you suffer from regular sudden tiredness and irresistible craving for sweet food, then you might suffer from sugar addiction and need to detox yourself.
According to the WHO (World Health Organization), it is recommended to not exceed 12 tea spoon of sugar per day to prevent against becoming overweighting, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, but also dental cavities and irritations of the digestive system. Here are the steps to follow to get rid of the sugar excess from your diet:

Step 1: decondition yourself

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Rather than abruptly eliminating sugar, which could lead to have sudden and urgent cravings, it is better to proceed gradually. Take control of your diet by replacing industrial products with homemade dishes. The highest amount of sugar is actually in salty meals Industrial and transformed products are the worst because they hide the actual taste of the ingredients. By starting to eat non-transformed ingredients again, you will teach your taste buds to learn and appreciate the natural taste.

Step 2: track down sugar

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Sugar remains essential to the body but is harmful and tricky to control because it doesnt send our brain the fullness feeling. It is thus important to identify the different types of it and in which kind of ingredients to find it in. For example, Glucose, that can be found in starchy foods and legumes is the form of sugar most easily digestible by the body and it is it that brings the fuel needed for its proper functioning. Fructose, the kind of sugar that can be found in all fruits, is perfectly healthy because it contains an adequate quantity of sugar and help digestion.

Step 3: put some new flavours on your plate

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Sweetness can be actually easily replaced by vanilla, cinnamon and other spices, and also soft vegetables (pumpkin, carrot, squash, sweet potato, beet). You can eat grilled them after a meal as a desert or add them to your cake preparations instead of flour or... sugar!

Be patient and stay focused, it takes about 3 to 4 weeks to modify a dietary habit. Good luck!

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