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18 Agustus 2016 16:29

Old Chariot Carries Indonesian National Flag to State Palace

This year saw an added cultural touch to Independence Day celebrations. Victoria Tunggono
Old Chariot Carries Indonesian National Flag to State Palace Ki Jaga Raksa is transporting the national flag on Independence Day ceremony

Brilio.net/en - In the State Palace yesterday, the changing of the flag ceremony saw a new character inKi Jaga Raksa, ablack chariotfromPurwakarta, West Java, pulled by four horses carry the national flag and flag-raising troop in the country's most high-profile ceremony.

Ki Jaga Raksa was one of several old chariots put forward to carry the red-and-white from its traditional home at the National Monument to the State Palace for the flag-raising ceremony. Afterwards, it brought it home.

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The chariot is normally kept for ceremonial purposes only and does not carry human cargo.

For the first time, Ki Jaga Raksa would be ridden by the flag raisers on August 17, 2016, Purwakarta district chiefDedi Mulyadi said in an interview with Kompas.com. He then explains that the chariot could never be ridden, even when it makes a performance in the peak event of Purwakartas anniversary every year. For the sake of the nation and country, we allow the chariot to be ridden.

The Purwakarta administrationheld another ceremony last week to release the Ki Jaga Raksa for its journey to Jakarta. The ceremony was called Jurung Tandang Tutunggangan Agung, meaningto depart for a noble task.

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President Jokowi has an extraordinary cultural intuition. This intuition begins to appear in the state orders. I think its a good thing because Indonesia is rich of cultures. On the Independence Day ceremony he wants to combine the royal military and present-time military cultures, said Dedi.

Salam Merdeka!

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