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18 Agustus 2016 14:32

Purwakarta Evokes Ancient Java In Its Flag-Raising Ceremony

The figure of Nyi Roro Kidul, the Queen of the South Sea, was incorporated in the ceremony. Victoria Tunggono
Purwakarta Evokes Ancient Java In Its Flag-Raising Ceremony

Brilio.net/en -The district head in Purwakarta, West Java, included a figure representing the ancient Javanese spiritual figureNyi Roro Kidulin its Independence Day flag-raising ceremony.

On August 17, Indonesia celebrated itsNational Independence Day.At local government buildings, a familiar scene unfolds with a flag-raising ceremony is at 7 a.m. before people start their day. People with thehonor of raising the actual flagare calledPasukan Pengibar Bendera (Paskibra).For the past 70 years the ceremony hasbeen conducted exactly the same way,with the district head handing the flag to the Paskibra flag-raising troop.

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In the 71st year of independence, Purwakarta district head Dedi Mulyadi first received the flag first from ayoung woman dressed in green, representingNyi Roro Kidul.

Nyi Roro Kidul is an ancient figure in Javanese and Sundanese mythology, and quite possibly the oldest known suchcharacter in the region. Technically, this name actually applies to the queen's tumenggungor 'minister' who carries out her orders and delivers guidance on Earth, which is why the figure is depicted wearing green. The queen herself, known as Kanjeng Ratu Kidul,would wear gold.

Nyi Roro Kidul's inclusion in the ceremony underlines the Queen's ultimate authority over Indonesia and ties the modern nation to its spiritual past, and paints the government as subordinate to older and greater powers

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The change has a political element. Indonesia's fisheries minister under President Joko Widodo has cracked down on illegal fishing by foreign vessels in Indonesian waters. Ships wereseized and sunk in a policy that made worldwide headlines. The latest occasion was on Independence Day itselfand the district head was very much inspired by this policy.

Those who are damaging the sea doesnt have the spirit of nationalism in them, Deditold Kompas.com. I once said that the Marine and Fisheries Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, is the (representation of) Nyi Roro Kidul because she dared to bomb the boats that steal Indonesian marine wealth.

Cinta Rizkiya, the woman who portrayed Nyi Roro Kidul in the ceremony and danced during thePaskibra's inauguration, said she was proud, if at first nervous of the role.

"Nyi Roro Kidul is a legendary figure, she said.

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