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27 Juni 2016 13:49

Finding Dory movie is threatening the blue tang population

Let’s just keep the animals where they belong. Victoria Tunggono
Finding Dory movie is threatening the blue tang population

Brilio.net/en - While Finding Dory is hitting big screens in the world, some parties are concerned that it will create a sharp rise in demand of the blue tang fishes, the name of the Dory species. It has happened before with childrens movies, where the popularity of the film drives the popularity for a new pet. Its what happened for example to the clown fish after Finding Nemo; the sales increased 40 percent. This also happened to other films such as the dalmatians after 101 Dalmatians was launched, the owls while the Harry Potter movies were screening, and turtles as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle flick was released.

The reason behind the scientists concern is based to the fact that blue tangs are really hard to raise in captivity, which means the sellers cannot farm them--as what they do unsustainably to the clownfish in Philippines and Indonesia. This also means that the blue tangs will likely be taken from their natural habitat, which is threatening their population. National Geographic is making a video in hope to make people realize that their action to buy and pet the fish is putting their population in danger. If you want to take part of the campaign, you can share this video and enjoy your pet Dory from your personal screens, not tanks.

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