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20 Februari 2024 04:00

Examples of fair behavior at school, understand the meaning and benefits

Fair means providing appropriate, equal and non-discriminatory treatment to everyone. Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
Examples of fair behavior at school, understand the meaning and benefits foto: Freepik, Freepik/@odua

Brilio.net - Fairness is an example of good behavior that everyone should be able to do. Fair behavior can be applied anywhere, anytime and by anyone. Please remember that fair does not mean equal, everyone has their own share. However, usually there are still many people who cannot behave fairly even though this behavior should be done as a good example for the people around them.

One application of fair behavior, you can do at school. Fair behavior in schools is a crucial foundation in creating a positive and inclusive learning environment. Fair behavior at school will have an impact on student welfare and student academic success. This behavior can be carried out by teachers and students, thus creating good collaboration for a fair school environment.

This time brilio.net will review examples of fair behavior in schools that can be implemented. By having fair behavior at school, every student and teacher will understand that students learn to respect other people's opinions and feelings, and practice healthy conflict resolution. It helps students in the development of social skills that are important for future life.

Fair behavior at school is not only about respecting other people's opinions and feelings, but there are many examples of good behavior at school that students can apply and teachers can teach. You must understand the meaning of fairness and its benefits to create a comfortable school environment, as reported by brilio.net from various sources, Monday (19/2).

The meaning of fairness.

photo: Freepik

Fairness refers to a principle or concept that refers to the equal and impartial treatment of all individuals involved in a particular situation or context. Fair means providing appropriate, equal and non-discriminatory treatment to everyone, regardless of a person's background, status or personal characteristics. So it is not biased or detrimental to either party.

Fair principles can be implemented in various situations, including the legal system, educational institutions, work environments, interpersonal relationships, and society in general. This involves understanding and applying moral norms that are objective and universal in nature. When you behave fairly, it is the same as looking for a middle way to a problem.

In social, political, legal and moral contexts, justice is often considered an important moral foundation. In the school environment, this is to create the idea of equality, justice, and adherence to fair and correct moral principles as established by each school.

Benefits of behaving fairly at school.

photo: Freepik

Behaving fairly at school has a number of significant benefits, both for students, teachers and the entire school environment. The following benefits can be obtained:

1. Build harmony and unity

Behaving fairly helps create a school environment that is harmonious and full of a sense of togetherness. This creates a positive atmosphere where students and staff feel valued and supported. Because school is a second home for students and teachers, it is important to build harmony and unity within it.

2. Promote emotional well-being

Fair treatment creates feelings of security and comfort among students, which in turn improves their emotional well-being. This will help students feel accepted and valued, which helps reduce stress and anxiety levels, making school a safe place for students and teachers.

3. Increase learning engagement and motivation

When students feel they are treated fairly, they tend to be more engaged in the learning process and more motivated to achieve their academic goals. This can result in improvements in class participation, absorption of course material, and overall academic achievement.

4. Form character and morality

Behaving fairly at school helps teach moral and ethical values to students. They learn to appreciate the importance of fairness, equality, and integrity in their interactions with others. This will be formed at school and will also be implemented outside school which will have a good impact on society.

5. Reduce conflict and negative behavior

Fair treatment helps reduce potential conflict between students and reduces negative behavior such as bullying, discrimination, or other deviant behavior. This creates a safer and more peaceful environment for all members of the school community. So that there are no cases that always exist in every school, namely bullying.

6. Build positive relationships

Behaving fairly helps build positive relationships between students, teachers, and school staff. It promotes cooperation, mutual understanding, and mutual trust in achieving shared educational goals. The existence of positive relationships provides energy to create good behavior patterns.

Examples of fair behavior at school.

photo: Freepik/@everythingpossible

1. Consistent treatment: Teachers provide the same rules and consequences for all students in similar situations. For example, applying consistent disciplinary rules to all students without taking sides.

2. Providing equal opportunities: Teachers provide equal opportunities for all students in terms of participating in class discussions, getting additional help, or participating in extracurricular activities.

3. Diverse approaches: Teachers use diverse teaching approaches to meet the diverse learning needs of students in the classroom. This includes providing additional materials, enrichment, or additional support according to individual needs.

4. Fair rewards: Awards, praise, or recognition should be based on actual achievement and effort, not on personal preference or discrimination.

5. Listen with empathy: Teachers and school staff listen with empathy and acknowledge students' feelings and experiences without taking sides. This includes taking students' problems and concerns seriously and providing necessary support.

6. Fair conflict handling: When a conflict occurs between students, the teacher handles the situation fairly and objectively, without taking sides on any particular party. This involves listening to all parties involved, seeking appropriate solutions, and encouraging reconciliation.

7. Fairness in assessment: Teachers provide fair and objective assessments to all students, considering various factors such as knowledge, understanding, skills, and the effort that has been made.

8. Equitable parent involvement: Teachers and school staff ensure that parents of all students have equal access to information, communication, and opportunities to participate in school activities.

9. Collaboration in problem solving: When problems or differences of opinion arise between students, teachers encourage them to communicate and solve problems together in an open and constructive attitude.

10. Establishment of an equitable school culture: The school adopts policies, norms, and culture that value fairness, equality, and inclusivity as principles underlying all interactions and decisions in the school.

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