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25 September 2024 02:20

Examples of anecdotal texts about bribery that are funny and meaningful

An anecdote text is a short story that contains humor and implied criticism of an event. Annisa Endriyati Utami

Brilio.net - Anecdotal text is a short story that contains humor and implied criticism of an event. One of the themes often raised in anecdotal texts is bribery, a common practice in social life, especially in the realm of bureaucracy and government. In this article, we will present several examples of anecdotal texts about bribery that are not only entertaining, but also provide moral lessons.

Bribery is the act of giving something, usually in the form of money or a gift, to someone to gain an advantage or convenience that should not be obtained legitimately. Anecdotal texts about bribery often describe funny yet ironic situations that occur as a result of this bribery practice. Although often considered a trivial matter, bribery has a major impact on integrity and transparency in various aspects of life, from school to the world of work.

Example of an anecdote text about bribery

The following is an example of an anecdote text about bribery that is interesting and full of moral messages.

Title: "Teachers and Exams"

One day at a school, there was a student named Budi who was known for being late and rarely doing assignments. However, Budi was known as a student who was good at communicating with teachers to get good grades without having to study hard.

As the final exam approached, Budi felt anxious. His grades this semester were very bad, and he knew that this exam would determine whether he would graduate. When the exam day arrived, Budi approached his math teacher, Mr. Rudi, and gave him a small envelope.

"Sir, this is a little token of gratitude for your guidance so far. I hope the exam goes smoothly, Sir," said Budi with a meaningful smile.

Mr. Rudi opened the envelope and looked at its contents. With a sneer, he said, Budi, I cant accept this. The test is not about money, but about ability. But, since youve tried hard to give, Ill give you an easier question.

Budi immediately smiled broadly, Thank you, sir!

The next day, when the exam began, Budi was surprised to see the exam paper on his desk. All the questions on it consisted of only basic math questions, such as What is 2 + 2? and What is the result of 5 x 1?

Feeling confident about his score, Budi filled in his answers quickly. However, when the exam results were announced, Budi got a score of zero. He was shocked and immediately went to Mr. Rudi.

Sir, why did I get a zero? Wasnt my question very easy? Budi asked.

Mr. Rudi smiled and replied, Yes, the questions are easy. But, you didnt write your name on the answer sheet.

Moral of the story: Bribery does not always bring benefits, and sometimes it can actually create bigger problems.

The anecdote text about bribery above contains humorous elements that touch on the bad habits that many people do, namely trying to gain benefits in dishonest ways. In this story, Budi tries to use bribery to get good grades, but his efforts end in ironic failure.

Humorous elements in anecdotal texts about bribery

Humor in anecdotal texts about bribery usually arises from the contradiction between hope and reality. In the example story above, Budi hopes to pass the exam by giving a bribe to his teacher, but in the end he forgets to do the basic thing, which is to write his name on the exam paper. This irony is what makes the story funny and full of lessons.

Title: "Officials and Road Projects"

In a small town, there is an official named Pak Hadi who is tasked with overseeing infrastructure development. One day, a contractor came to see him.

Sir, here are some souvenirs from the road project we are working on. We hope you can help pass additional budget for this project, said the contractor while handing over a thick envelope.

Mr. Hadi accepted the envelope and smiled. Ah, thank you. I will definitely take care of the budget. But, make sure the project is finished quickly, okay?

A few months later, the road project was completed quickly. However, not long after that, the newly built road began to crack and develop holes.

Residents began to complain and send protests to Mr. Hadi. Calmly, Mr. Hadi replied, Dont worry, the additional budget to fix the road will come down soon. Everything will be fixed.

It turned out that the additional budget requested was again used to enrich themselves, and the road was damaged again after being repaired. Until finally, the road repair project became a never-ending project, continuously receiving additional budget without good results.

Moral message: Bribery not only harms one party, but can also have a negative impact on society at large.

This anecdote text about bribery illustrates how the practice of bribery in government can have a wide impact, harm many people, and cause long-term problems. This story also provides an illustration of how bribery can become a vicious circle that is difficult to break if there is no integrity.

The practice of bribery is not new, but it remains a relevant issue today. Through anecdotal texts about bribery, one can realize how funny the irony that often occurs in the practice is, while still conveying criticism of this unethical act. Humorous and witty anecdotes can be an effective way to raise social issues such as bribery in a way that is not too serious but still touches the heart of the problem.

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